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3rd POV.

Kongpob found Ming up at the garden sitting in his and Forth's 'spot'. Ming was sound asleep after, what looked to be, crying his eyes out. Kongpob couldn't understand why he cried so much though,

"Probably scared of what Forth thought,"

The older woke Ming up and they both walked down to Forth's room again. Ming was nervous, he was scared that Forth didn't actually love him back and that he just said it to make fun of the smaller.

"Forth, you awake?" Kongpob asked as him and Ming walked in.

"Yeah, Ming, come here," Forth said and moved over so Ming could lay next to him. Ming blushed - Kong left - and laid next to Forth.

"I love you, it's not a joke, ok?" Forth said and Ming just nodded and hugged Forth tightly.

"Does this mean you'll quit? Please, I don't want to lose you too," Ming mumbled hiding his face in Forth's shoulder.

"I'll do my best, but I'm gonna need some help" Forth replied honestly.

"Of course, stay at my dorm?" Ming asked and Forth nodded.

Maybe things will finally change for the better.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"


AN: sorry its so short, i just have no ideas for what to write right now😭😭😭

Drugs and Cuddles - ForthMingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora