Just as she tied the lead rope to the string, Rosie rushed up to her, "have you seen Zoe?"

Harper's eyebrows furrowed and her lips were pulled into a frown, "no actually, I haven't"

Now that Harper thought about it, Raven hadn't been in his stable since Harper had arrived and she hadn't seen Zoe. Which would be very odd as everyone in the team had been here for a long while trying to get set up for friendlies.

With the panicked look on Rosie's face, it didn't take very long for Harper to get a general idea of what was going on. Rosie grabbed her by the black jean jacket she was wearing and essentially pushed her into the tack room, where Mia, Susie, Becky and Jade were sat. As soon as Harper pushed herself onto a cabinet by the sink to sit on, Rosie rushed back out into the yard, most likely to ask more people if they had seen Zoe.

The girls sat there in a tense silence for a few minutes before the stable door swung back open to reveal Rosie, Pin and Marcus. Harper made eye contact with Jade and Jade shot her sympathetic look and Harper mustered a fake smile to try and reassure her.

Rosie stood in front of them all after they had tried to suggest reasons why Zoe might have run off, "It doesn't matter why she's gone; I just want to know she's okay." The underlying fear in Rosie's voice bled through and was very clear to the group of teenagers in the room.

"Rosie's right, whatever lame reason Zoe had for doing this, she's one of us. And Brightfield's look after their own." Mia spoke, slightly shocking them all, she was never one to hide her distaste of Zoe, "we also really need her to help us crush Holloway."

Pin shifted his weight on his feet slightly, visibly uncomfortable, "I'll check the beach, she goes there all the time with Raven."

"Why is he here?" Marcus's cold tone seemed to make the tack room chillier, "he's not even one of us."

Pin fired back quickly, "neither were you last time I checked."

Harper looked up from where she was fiddling with the ring on her pinkie finger, "will you two stop for once? You can check the beach together if you're going to get all pissy about it."

They all started to delegate parts of the island for them to check, Jade and Susie were going to check the pier, Marcus and Pin the beach, Becky and Rosie were going to check the woods, Harper would check the moors and Mia would stay behind and stall for time.

It made Harper slightly nervous to be riding out on the moors alone, that area was prone to bad weather and it was said to already have rained over that side of the island that day. With their areas delegated, the group filed back out into the yard and tacked up quickly. Harper sighed as she only had the chance to get the slightest of mud out of Robin's coat through the grooming, she wasn't sure if she'd have enough time once she got back.

Harper had just hopped onto Robin's back using the steps when she felt someone touch her leg gently, she looked down and saw that it was a very sheepish looking Pin who had his own riding helmet on.

"Be careful, it has already rained out on the moors today." Pin muttered quietly as he looked at Harper's un-gloved hand, "I can't believe you're still wearing the ring."

The girl was quite stunned, those were the first genuine words that Pin had said to her in a while, she tried to supress her smile as she spoke back to him, "of course, you gave it to me." It echoed a conversation that they had a week ago.

This time, a small smile went over both their faces before they heard that some people were already leaving the yard and Marcus was yelling for Pin to get a move on. The group left the stables and went their separate ways to find Zoe

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