"Now get naked" he adds with a bright grin, and relaxes back against the wall.

I chew on my lip, glancing at the ground wishing I felt as casual about this as Jimmy did, but he has a point. I've been around him in a bikini, and it's the same thing but looking at what he's picked out; I'm gonna feel like mutton dressed up as lamb.

I decide to shove my insecurities aside, this is about being out of my comfort zone and I well and truly am.

When I look back at Jimmy he has his hands pressed over his eyes, humming along to the music playing in the store.

"Just pick whatever you wanna try on first, and lemme know when you're dressed" he says muffled against his hand, but when he's met with silence again he asks, "You alive Peaches?"

"I'm alive - sorry, I told you I'm bad at this" I sigh, slipping my clothes off item by item and dropping them on the floor and hate the fact the mirror in here is the size of the whole damn wall.

"Stop putting yourself down" Jimmy scolds, and even though his face is covered I can still see his brows pinched tight together, "you're psyching yourself out, you're a total fuckin minx."

He's right, I do let my shyness and insecurities scare me out of a lot of things. Surprisingly I actually don't feel uncomfortable around Jimmy at all, considering I'm nearly butt naked but I do appreciate that he's giving me privacy.

I'm now only standing there in my underpants, and try and take in what Jimmy is saying as I pick up one of the sets off the hook that I've decided on after staring clueless for a moment.

It's red, and looks like a headache to get on. Most of the material is just straps, and I'm fairly sure I'm gonna look like a bondage christmas ham in this thing,

"I just don't really know what I'm doing with the whole 'being sexy' side of things" I say, sounding distracted as I start to try and put on this fuckin jigsaw puzzle of a lingerie set.

I catch sight of the price tag of the bra as I put it on, and yelp "Jimmy this bra is $300!"

What the fuck is it made out of? What did they find the golden yarn from rumplestiltskin and use that to fuckin sew it together?

"So?" he shrugs, acting like that's not the most absurd thing he's ever heard.

I clasp it at the back, being extra careful now that I know it's worth half my weeks paycheck, "because that's just the bra! I've never spent that much on an entire outfit, let alone some underwear!"

The panties that Harry ripped were $30 the second time we ever had sex and to me, that was expensive.

If he rips any part of this, I will fucking murder him. I don't care if I'm using the gift card to pay for it, you can't be so wasteful with money like that.

"You're worth it Peaches, spoil yourself. Nothin' wrong with a woman wearin something nice to feel good in" he says with a shrug, acting like he can't understand why I sound like I'm so shocked.

I let out a defeated sigh, and start working on pulling on the matching panty set on - if you could even call it that, it's completely backless with just two straps that connect it to the front at the crotch.

Thank god I'm still wearing my actual underwear underneath it.

"You nearly done?" Jimmy checks, and I'm struggling with this garter belt. It has two straps at the bottom that go around the tops of my thighs and it was confusing as shit to get on at first.

"Almost - I just, christ, this shit is complicated to get on" I huff, finally managing to get the back of the garter belt done up once I have the straps adjusted at the tops of my thighs.

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