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I am induced to sleep with sirens,

By your endless ultimatums that drives my every nerve and frightens

You find rapture in the flourish of my anxiety as my fate impales me silently

You hiss about the end as your orison,

That which sways me violently

You are quietus, veiled beneath the purification of the unknown

Paralyze the naive and derive the sane of their credence,

A fastening you behold, completely sewn

So rigidly suffused with imperfection,

A steadfast haze sure to fester and pierce my calluses

Harrowing lucidity to leave me damned by the intoxication of your imminent disclosure,

Unable to impede your tripwires, continuously in full exposure

Only the reminisce of what will materialize stay bare,

Swathed tight by your grim stare,

For redemption will asphyxiate beneath your spiteful snare

You dare turn me into a repulsive maniac,

Driven by dread of fatal instinct

This must be your muse, watching me ultimately embrace admission,

A gift you've bestowed,

My Dear, Premonition

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