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Ashen Deming
Born: August 4, 1969
Died: October 31, 1981

October 31, 1981

The afternoon had turned grim. Angry wind howled from the east and slate-gray clouds streaked the edge of the plains, concealing where sky met earth—as if nothing lay beyond and the land dropped off into a doomed, vast void.

Ashen kicked a pebble. It flew down the country road, bouncing until it hit a bump in a tire rut where it changed course, bashed into a tuft of grass, and rolled to a stop.

Even at twelve years old, she could relate to that little rock.

"My parents are driving me to that rich-people neighborhood outside the city again," said the Grim Reaper plodding next to her. He swung his plastic scythe through the air at imagined enemies. "Got full-sized candy bars last year! And only one toothbrush!"

"Yeah, I know, Jacob."

"And since your mom's not taking you trick or treating tonight, we could go together. My parents won't mind."

Ashen kicked another pebble. "Nah, it's okay." She gestured at her school clothes. "No costume, remember?"

"Excuses. You should come."

With a flourish, Jacob took an overly confident slice at the imaginary foe before him. His feet skidded on the sparse gravel. His over-stuffed backpack shifted and he tumbled face-first, hitting the ground with enough impact to pop the bag open, scattering its contents onto the dirt.


Ashen swallowed a giggle. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Jacob groaned. He pushed himself up, frowned, and picked up two pieces of his once-whole scythe. "Ah, man!"

She offered her hand. "It's okay. Duct tape fixes everything."

Ashen helped him pick up his homework and class books and notes and drawings and whatever else he had managed to jam into the bag, then slung her own almost empty backpack onto one shoulder and continued home. Jacob followed behind, dusting off his hooded black robe.

"How come you never bring much home?" he asked.

"I get my homework done during lunch. Saves time."

"I know you'll probably say no, but you could always, I dunno, eat instead? With me and our friends?"

The word, "our", didn't ring true. Inside, Ashen frowned. Outside, she smiled.

"Maybe tomorrow."

Jacob gave her a concerned nod and fiddled with his busted scythe. As reluctant as Ashen acted, she didn't understand why he continued to include her, but she was glad he did. In recent months, she had been escaping to his house so they could play and talk about school. Those few hours were a welcome breather from her normal routine.

She let out a sigh. Deep down, Ashen knew Jacob was her only real friend. Most days she was okay with that. Other days, her chest ached as if something were missing. Of course, her friendship with Jacob helped, but he was one of those wonderful human beings who was always upbeat. Always. After being around him and his constant, unending optimism, she would find herself exhausted to the core, but somehow, her burdens were lighter.

"You know, we could find you a costume, easy," he said. "I have tons of stuff you could borrow."

"Mom is going out. Gotta stay home."

"Maybe you could go to a few neighbors' houses?"

Ashen laughed. "What neighbors?" She scanned the flat landscape of the plains. At the end of the lane, beyond their two houses and the giant cottonwood tree that shaded both of their porches, the roof of the next-closest farmhouse could be seen through what remained of a corn field and a large pumpkin patch.

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