" I cant go there I told them two days ago we were getting married but now he has... he has done this I'm such an idiot" she said crying.

" I'm house sitting for my parents your welcome to stay at mine. I came here with some friends but I didnt fancy drinking so I brought my car" he said.

" thank you" she said sobbing sebastian surprised her by putting an arm around her and he walked them to his car.

They were silent during the short drive to his parents house.

Once they arrived sebastian let them in and Rachel found herself in the most amazing house she had ever been in it was huge and full of expensive things yet was classy and homely.

" coffee" he asked Rachel nodded and followed him through to the kitchen.

" rachel" sebastian said whilst the coffee was being made she was surprised as he usually called her Broadway.

" yeah'she answered.

" not to be rude but why would you get engaged to him" he asked Rachel looked at him.

" no offence but he is hardly a prize catch is he you could do so much better" sebastian said now pouring the coffees.

"I always thought Jesse understood me the most well after Blaine atleast" she said.

" he is vile" sebastian said handing her mug to her.

" I know that now" she said.

" he wasnt even sorrry" she said as a fresh wave of tears run down her face.

" I know he is a disgraceful human and I know he has hurt you but atleast you know his true colours before you actually married him" sebastian said.

" you must think I'm stupid" Rachel said.

" no I dont I admit you used to annoy me with your talent it was hard to try and beat you at regionals but no I never thought that you miss Rachel berry was stupid" he said

" Santana is at the loft in New York she is so going to rub this in my face" Rachel said.

" let her who cares what she thinks" sebastian said.

" Santana hasn't changed you know she is still mean to me" Rachel said

" I can believe that then again who am I to judge anyone" he said.

" what are you upto these days" Rachel asked.

" well between rescuing damsels in distress I'm in my third year of law school" sebastian said.

" oh" she said.

" I'm actually transfering to New York next semester and like I said earlier I'm house sitting for my parents who are ona cruise" he said.

" I love new york" she said.

" it's where you belong I knew that the moment I first heard you sing" he said

" I'm not going to have a career now though" she said.

" what makes you say that" sebastian asked.

" Jesse is the director of the play I'm currently rehearsing" Rachel said.

" Rachel did you get into nyada because of Jesse no you got in because your incredible did you get the role of funny girl because of him no you got it because you deserved it. Yes you might lose this role because of him but you are not dependant on that ass your talented enough to get other roles" he said.

" thank you" Rachel said.

" why dont we go sit down" sebastian said Rachel nodded and followed hi through to a cosy little snug room which had French doors which lead out to the beautiful garden.

smythebrry short stories part twoWhere stories live. Discover now