Slushies: Gruvia

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Heyo guys! I'm back after disappearing for two months or so with a quick Oneshot! Life just got kinda busy, but hopefully I'll be able to get back to my main projects soon.

I hope you guys enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated~ 

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Every Friday she would walk in. It wasn't like he'd been keeping track, he just noticed one day.

Her blue hair spilling from a beanie, her face sad but sweet, it didn't take long to recognize her. It was always her and her order. And since it was the middle of winter, the dispensers were usually silent, the frozen drinks spinning simultaneously, creating a low, annoying hum.

She'd never say a word, only smile as she walked up to the gentle whirring machines. She'd take a large, placing the lid on first before filling it to the brim. Some customers did the same, others hadn't learned the trick, but from the first Friday she'd kept up her tradition.

Then she'd walk up to the register, and pay, never once forgetting to leave him a tip.

Today was Friday, Gray's personal favorite day of the week –much like the majority of the population– but he had a different reason.

It was Slushie Girl.

Now, you may wonder why on earth does this guy working at a gas station have a crush on this random individual?

It wasn't just because she was rather beautiful, or the fact he also enjoyed blue raspberry slushies, or the fact she tipped him a five almost every time she dropped by, it was the cheery wave she'd always give. Of course, those other things were also great, but most people who stopped at this gas station were grumpy, having been on long road trips and such.

So he relished Fridays and the quiet but pleasant exchanges with Slushie Girl that would come with them.

But as the day dragged on, she didn't arrive. Only a rowdy family of six who rummaged the shelves along with a few others with questionable intent. And by the time his shift was coming to an end, he was almost growing worried. It was possible she'd stopped by at the shift before his, or she was just busy today, but the buying of a blue raspberry slushie had become somewhat of a tradition.

Maybe she forgot it was Friday? Jeez, now you're just grasping for straws...

His eyes drifted to the brightly colored sign above the machine. He needed to close up and he couldn't keep this place open for her, even if he felt he should.

A few more minutes passed and a sigh sealed her slushy's fate. The faint neon glow of blue and red fizzled out as he shut off the open sign. With disappointment in his wake, he turned to the rest of the aisles, the family had sure left this place a mess.

A little under an hour later he'd finished cleaning up, and with a final look at the machine, he decided to keep up the tradition. He grabbed a large, the lid fitting well over the cup, and as he pushed the lever in the mildly annoying hum turned into a roar, the blue slush swirling to a peak.

He let up on the lever, admiring the drink before paying at the register. With that, he headed out into the cool streets. It was winter, sure, but the cold didn't bother him. In fact, he liked the cold.

His motorcycle was parked just around the corner, it wasn't anything nice, but it was good enough for him. He took a sip of the drink, staring warily at the bike. The thing about it not being fancy, was its lack of a cup holder.

"Ah crap."


"What the–?!"

Behind him was a girl, her beanie askew and breath ragged. It was her! "Slushie Girl?!"

"Gary—?" She paused, staring back at him in confusion, "Slushie Girl?"

His cheeks burned, his mind racing for an explanation. "Y-You never gave me a name so—!"

Her laugh cut him short, her smile and voice more lovely than ever before. "Juvia, Juvia Lockser." She held out a hand, "You're Gary, right?"

His face burned at the thought of his misspelled name tag, "Ah no, they got it wrong. It's Gray, Gray Fullbuster." He took her hand, noticing how cold it was, even if his other hand was feeling like it might fall off.

"Oh! That's a lot better than Gary." She smiled, "But either would have been fine."

Gray merely nodded, somewhat star struck that she'd even noticed him. But if she had, what about him had caught her attention?

Did she think about him like he did her? Even if she did, he was just Gary, the one who stared at her when she bought a slushie.

Jeez, I'm a creep, aren't I? Natsu would give me hell about this.

"Looks like I missed it." She had turned to the dim glow of the gas station's sign. "Sorry, I was extra busy today..."

"Don't apologize... um... here." He raised the cup towards her. "I bought one, so technically, you didn't miss anything. Let's just say I was your stand in."

Juvia stared at the frozen drink, her eyes wide as a blush of her own took her face. "R-Really?"

"Yeah, my treat."

"Thank you!"

Gray smiled as he clambered onto his bike, glad he'd finally gotten to talk with her, not to mention his hand was beginning to regain it's feeling, and he could actually drive home now.

A triple win situation.

He stopped just as he was about to fire up the engine.

"Hey, you didn't walk here did you?"

Juvia sighed, "The bus."

"So you came from the city?"

"Yeah. I'll have to wait, but at least I have something to drink!"

Gray chuckled, raising an eyebrow as the wind began to set through his jacket. "The next bus isn't gonna be her for a while, and it's pretty cold out. That drink'll give you hypothermia."

"It's not that bad—"

"I ain't gonna let you freeze. So do you want a ride or do I have to wait for the bus to come along too?"

Juvia grinned, "You'd do that for me?"

"For the infamous Slushie Girl? I'd say yes."

Before Gray could do any more convincing she'd already hopped on, her arms wrapping easily around his chest.

Make that a quadruple win.

"Right then. Let's get you home." With a turn of the keys and a bit of tedious work through the parking lot, they made it out onto the open street.

The cup in her hand pressed into his jacket as she tightened her grip. Her head was leaning against his back as they sped along, the moon illuminating their path as it worked with the headlight of his motorbike. The whole scenario was like something out of a dream.

The blue haired girl who'd always buy a blue raspberry slushie, Juvia Lockser.

And she's riding my motorcycle.

~The End~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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