Luigi and Tails pulls a prank on characters from Avatar

Start from the beginning


Katara: Not scared, huh?

Sokka: That thing came out of nowhere!

Mako: Can you guys just SHIT UP? Jeez. It's just a house it's not like anything bad is gonna happen.

Just as he says it a Tails Doll figure appears right in front of him on the side.

Just as he says it a Tails Doll figure appears right in front of him on the side

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Mako: Wh-wh-wh-where did that come from?!

They all started at him.

Bolin: Uh what are you talking about big bro?

Mako: (crying) A fox shaped like doll came out of nowhere!

Korra goes to Mako and give him a hug.

Korra: It's okay Mako we're here for you.

(*Cues: Tails's Nightmare music*)

As the teams keep walking they get scared as they keep going.

Aang: Hey guy's no matter what happens...

Korra: Whatever you do...

Aang and Korra: We stick together.

All: Right.

Zuko: Let's get moving and get out of this creepy place.

Asami: Yeah this place is getting REALLY creepy by the minute.

As the keep going they have been scared by every scary figure that appears. One of which had Korra and Asami hold on to each other when they got spoked.

Korrra and Asami:

The other which made Bolin trip after. Katara almost used her Waterbending at Sokka when she saw a puppet. Toph even squealed when something appeared behind her.


Aang and Zuko saw a lot of creepy puppets.

Aang and Zuko:

(Music stops)

The Team Avatars keep moving until they finally reached the exit.

Aang: There it is.

Korra: Finally a way out, let's go.

But before they could leave....


Katara: What was that?

The same voice they heard before laughs again.

Sokka: Not good. Not good.

Bolin: Yeah tell me about.

Mako: Oh no we're screwed.

The same voice laughs again.

Asami: What is happening?

Toph: I don't think we wanna stick around and find out.

The figure appears and it turns out to be none other than King Boo.

King Boo: I got ya all know!

They all started screaming

Aang: Let's get out of here!

Korra: Let's run everybody


The Team Avatars ran out the mansion as fast as they can while screaming until they went far far away. Meanwhile the lights turned out the King Boo was actually Luigi and Tails in disguise.

Luigi and Tails started laughing in tears.

Luigi: That was totally awesome.

Tails: See? I told you they'd fall for that one.

Luigi: Yeah you're right, now let's take all this stuff down.

Tails: Yep.

Tails pushes the button and the mansion turns into the house.

Tails: So what do ya say we tell Mario and Sonic about this.

Luigi: Fine by me I can't wait to see their reactions when they see what we did.

Luigi and Tails walk out the house while talking.

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