
            Levi was lying in bed thinking. Just thinking. About Hanji, about Eren… Life in general and how it’s cruel and fucked up. Hanji had left some time ago and now it was around two in the morning. Levi shifted. He just couldn’t sleep with all of this processed information… Well actually that was a lie. The real reason he couldn’t sleep was because he still hadn’t decided. Hopefully his plan would work so that way it would be easier to choose.

            The day seemed to drag on forever. Levi found himself impatiently waiting for when Eren got off of work. Hanji came in several times already talking about nonsense and Levi found that he didn’t mind her company. That is when she was quiet. He wasn’t sure if he could tolerate any more of it. Well at least one choice Levi could get rid of. Living with Hanji was defiantly not an option. So that left two options… Staying with Eren and not staying with Eren. It all depended on Eren.

            The plan itself was simple. Literally only one question would dictate if Levi stayed with Eren or not. For some reason though, the answer isn’t what bothered Levi. What was bothering him was the fact that he was still waiting for Eren to get here. He knew that Eren should have been let off of work by now. Maybe he was too impatient… It had only been five minutes and it was at least a thirty minute ride to Hanji’s from where Eren worked.

            Levi’s patience didn’t have to wait too much longer before he could hear a rattle at the door. From there it sounded like a storm was making its way toward Levi. Damn, that took him fifteen minutes. That brat must have been speeding to get here. Levi visibly flinched when the door busted open, Eren running in and Hanji stayed out in the hallway, just as planned, “You got here fast.” Levi said as Eren ran next to his bedside. “Oi. I’m talking to you.” Eren didn’t say anything as he pulled off Levi’s oxygen mask, “What the-?” Levi couldn’t finish his sentence. That fucking brat didn’t answer him. Shitty brat. But it wasn’t all that bad because… Eren’s lips were pleasantly soft, warm and welcoming against Levi’s lips. A kiss. This is a kiss. Just like the dream? Eren is kissing me? Why is he kissing me? Levi couldn’t even think straight. It’s a good thing that there was an oxygen mask nearby because that kiss literally took Levi’s breath away.

            Eren seemed to snap out of his daze and pull away slightly, disconnecting the kiss slowly, “S-sorry Levi. I just-” He cleared his throat, “I was really worried. I mean holy fuck Levi, you’re awake.” Eren wiped his eyes and sniffled softly, “I’m so fucking happy right now… Once Hanji called and told me I sped all the way here.” Eren was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning over Levi.

            Looking up at the brat who just kissed him, Levi was trying to come up with something to say. Fortunately it didn’t take long for his mind to start working again, “I can see that… It’s usually a thirty minute drive to get here… You got here in half the time.” Levi pointed out the obvious. Damn him. Levi felt like he couldn’t concentrate.

            “Now we can go home. I was getting lonely at the house by myself.” Eren let out a small chuckle, “It will be nice to have you around again…” Eren spoke in a dazed voice. He seemed tired and maybe even a little stressed. Even with his beautiful eyes, shining like they always do, looked run down with the bags under his eyes. His hair was messier. If that was possible.

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no KyojinWhere stories live. Discover now