Chapter 22: Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win!

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Well, here it is! Chapter 22 has finally been completed! You thought last chapter was long... This one is longer! I don't know how I do it I swear! Chapter 2 rewrite will come out in a couple days time, but for now... Shinji and Asuka have to work together to defeat Israfel. How will things go? Read and find out!


September 6th, 2015

Asuka's mind was all over the place, the apartment had long since gone to bed, and Misato's and Pen-Pen's drunken snoring could be heard from all over the house. She knew, always knew that she'd been alone for years, and for the first time in forever, she had people around her who she could call friends. And yet, as time passed, she still had lots of thoughts.

'I know I'm better than the others. I've been piloting the Eva for years, I activated Unit-02 when I was only 5 years old... Yet, when I get here, I'm outdone by someone who's only been piloting for a couple of months.' Asuka rolled over staring hard at the nightstand beside her. 'Despite everything, despite all that I've seen since I've arrived here... Would it still be better to stay alone. To only rely on myself?' She frowned and shook her head, her red hair draping around on her pillow. 'No, don't talk to yourself like that, Asuka. Get some sleep. 6am wake up call. That's what Misato wants.' And with that, Asuka fell asleep, not knowing that her fellow pilot and partner, was also still awake.

Shinji stared hard at all the boxes around him. He'd moved himself into the smaller bedroom once Asuka had moved in, he didn't mind really, so he'd given her his old room with no problems and taken the smaller room.

He didn't have his thoughts on Asuka though. As he listened to his SDAT player, noting the change from Track 25 to 26 once again, his thoughts where on a certain man. As Shinji stared at the boxes nearby, he lifted himself up, grabbing a hold of his cell phone that he'd obtained early in his stay. He typed in a single phone number and held the phone to his ear. It rung once... twice... three times... Shinji sighed, placing the phone down on the bed beside him. "I knew you wouldn't answer... father..." He muttered, before going back to sleep, knowing Misato would be waking him up early the next morning.


Misato yawned as she woke that morning, stretching her arms high as she took in the area around her. Unlike most days, which Misato would've liked to sleep in, today she was up and alert, for she had a job to do. There was the Seventh Angel resting in wait on their doorstep, and she had to get Shinji and Asuka started on their training so they could beat the damn thing, as it had caused a rather large mockery of them the day before despite Shinji and Asuka's best efforts in Unit-01 and Unit-02.

Misato glanced at the calendar, she had firmly circled the 11th September, the day that the MAGI predicted that the Seventh Angel would start moving again, she glanced over at the start of the week. Today was the 6th of September. She had five days to get those two working together and in complete synchronisation. 'Lord help me...' She thought as she quickly threw on that mornings work getup. She'd decided today to forgo her usual black dress/red jacket combo that she was very fond of, and had decided on a simple red dress today. She wasn't trying to look good, really.

She quickly grabbed some sheets that were sitting on the nearby bedside table and quickly exited the room. She now had one goal in mind. Find her charges and wake them up so they could get started on their training. She glanced at the clock sitting in the corner. '6am.' She thought, a teasing smile on her face. 'Perfect.' She crept quietly over to the first door, which contained Shinji's new room and quickly opened the door. She glanced down, noticing the mess of boxes, and the boy sleeping peacefully with his earbuds in his ears, the sounds of the heavily used SDAT player swirling in the boy's mind. Misato laughed as she carefully stepped inside, proceeding to shake the boy awake. Shinji immediately woke up, staring up at the face of his guardian.

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