Chapter 18: You Are (Not) Alone

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It's hard coming up with an Opening AN... Here's some stuff to tide you over till next chapter. Believe me, you'll want the next chapter to come quickly after this.


August 22nd, 2015

"What are you looking at, Sachiel?" Shinji asked, as they stood outside the local park, waiting for something interesting to happen. The last few days had been boring, as there had been nothing with NERV since the Jet Alone incident, he hadn't had a Sync Test yet, or had there been an Angel that had come knocking on their door.

"Nothing, just seems like there's something up there."

"What are you talking about?"

"Up there," Sachiel replied, pointing at the sky, before ducking into Shinji's pocket as someone passed. "In the sky." Shinji squinted his eyes, but saw nothing unusual.

"Are you sure you aren't seeing things, Sachiel?"

"Positive!" Sachiel replied in exasperation, pointing back at the sky. "It's right there!"

"Still nothing." Shinji replied, thinking his Angel friend had gone nuts, when a sudden shout got his attention.

"Look out below!" Shinji didn't have time to say anything, before he was suddenly sent sprawling to the ground. Groaning in agony, Shinji opened his eyes, only to stare into white space, feeling something squishy on his head.

'Oh... Shit...' Shinji thought in realisation as the person quickly got off him. He glanced at the person, realising it was a girl, probably slightly older than him, with long brown hair tied in a single ponytail. When she turned slightly, she could see a pair of glasses perched on her face, with a pair of teal eyes behind them.

"Shit!" She said, glancing around her. "Dammit! If I lose anything I'm dead!" She cried out as she turned, noticing Shinji staring at her.

"What are you looking at?" She asked, letting her eyes wander over the boy. "What? Cat got your tongue?" She asked coyly, letting a sly smile settle on her face. "It looks like you've never seen a girl before."

"I-I have."


"Shut it, Sachiel!"

"Sachiel?" She asked curiously, crawling towards him. Shinji scurried back slightly, as she approached him, before she was pretty much on top of him again. She smelled him, before humming in content. "You smell of LCL, I like that smell." She said, backing away from him, she started laughing as she saw the look on his face. "Don't be so weirded out, this is just how I am."

"Did you say LCL?" Shinji asked, not bothering to get up.

"Yep, wonderful smell, don't you think?" She asked, as if this was perfectly normal conversation. Shinji didn't reply. Personally, he thought LCL smelled a bit like blood, but couldn't quite place it. "Before you ask, I am an Eva Pilot." She said, confirming any suspicions he might have had. "The Proto Child."

"I heard about an incident with another Eva Unit. Unit-05?" Shinji asked questioningly.

"Yep! I was there. Mari Illustrious Makinami!" She said, offering her hand to pull him up. Taking it gratefully, he stood up again. "Who's Sachiel?" Shinji opened his mouth to say something, but he was beaten to it.

"I am Sachiel!" He replied, flying out of Shinji's shirt pocket to greet the new girl. "An Angel!"

"Nice to meet you Sachiel!" Mari replied, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. "Skeletal!" She called out suddenly.

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