Chapter 13: Operation Yashima

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I'm not going to say much here, let's finish this opening arc!


August 9th, 2015 (6:30pm)

"Come on Kensuke, we've been out here too long, let's get to the shelter." Hikari commented from the rooftop of the Tokyo-3 High School. Near her, Toji stood, feelings similar to her own. Kensuke however, was busy with his camera. He'd told them earlier that day that the Evangelions were coming out tonight, and that there was going to be more than one. Kensuke was extremely excited, Toji and Hikari, not so much.

"No way!" Kensuke exclaimed as he leaned against the railing, camera trained and ready to go. "I hacked into my dad's data files for this! This is the time that they should be coming out." Toji rolled his eyes at Kensuke's enthusiasm, not understanding why the boy loved these machines so much.

"Okay then," Toji replied, "Where are they?"

The sounds of whirring machinery from their right drew them away from their conversation. The mountainside was currently shifting, an entire segment moving out of place.

"The mountainside is moving!" Toji noticed, Kensuke was currently rocking on the heels of his feet, Hikari watching intently, but not overdoing it. Her job as Class Rep told her to keep things quiet when necessary, and this was one of those times.

"That's them!" Kensuke stated, "The Evangelions!"

The whirring continued, as the entry way was opened up. Suddenly, the familiar purple shoulder pylons of Evangelion Unit-01 could be seen as it was shifted into place. Not far behind, the orange behemoth known as Evangelion Unit-00 settled into place to its left.

"Totally awesome!" Kensuke exclaimed from his position on the rooftop, Toji having to hold him back in case the boy fell from the height. Hikari sighed as Unit-01 and Unit-00 started on their journey towards their destination.

"Come on guys, we need to go now."

"But Class Rep!"

"Now, Aida!"



- Neon Genesis Evangelion OST II – Track 12 – Spending Time in Preparation -

The roads on the path towards Mt. Futago were filled to the brim with both maintenance trucks and power generators littered along the main road. This continued all the way up the mountain, with no changes.

"The Angel has penetrated defence layer 17! It will reach NERV HQ in 3 hours, 55 minutes."

"Power supply transfer from Shikoku and Kyushu is completed."

"Beginning tests of each cooling system."

Near the top of the mountain, operations were in full effect as preparations for the attack against Ramiel progressed. Ritsuko stood by, Maya as always by her side, overseeing the transfer of the Positron Rifle by Unit-00.

"Be careful! This is a piece of precision machinery!" Ritsuko commented in her usual commanding tone.

Sachiel and Shamshel stood watching as the Positron Rifle sat in its position, being Angels they couldn't really do much with their faces, but they were concerned. Very concerned.

"Well, if that thing is powerful enough, it will kill Ramiel." Sachiel commented, Shamshel simply nodding. Neither Angel had decided to say much, both thinking that NERV's plan to take down Ramiel was an effective one. The only thing now was to actually man the rifle and destroy the Fifth Angel.

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