Chapter 15: Unit-05

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Welcome back! Chapter 15 is here, and we're going to progress the actual story here as hinted at the end of Chapter 14. Without further ado...


August 13th, 2015

The jet hovered quickly towards NERV's Bethany Base, sitting quietly on the sea, where the Old North Pole once sat. Kaji glanced outside, his mission was simple, Bethany Base held an important item for Commander Ikari, and he needed to get it, and get out. He'd been told that there was an interesting project happening on the site, and that this project was for naught.

Landing quickly, through an opened hatch on top of the small base, the door opened, and Kaji stepped out, raising his hand to shake with the on-site Commander, Minato Maeda.

"Ryoji Kaji." The man said, stepping forward. "Welcome to our base."

"Thank you for the hospitality Commander." Kaji replied, smooth as ever.

"It's a pleasure." The Commander replied, shaking Kaji's hand. Kaji smiled, as the Commander led him out of the main hangar, into the depths of the Base itself. He would wait until this small tour was over, before trying to find what he was looking for.

For now, though, Kaji followed Commander Maeda as he led Kaji through the hallways of Bethany Base.

"It's great that you're here, Mr. Kaji."

"Please," Kaji interrupted, holding a hand up. "Just call me Kaji."

"Not a fan of Ryoji?"

"It's not something I usually go by, no."

"Well then, Kaji, shall I take you to this location?"

"Please, Maeda, don't think my being here is anything to stop what you're researching."

"That's the thing." Maeda replied, swiping a key card at a door, stepping inside. "We found this in the oceans around here, soon after reports of an Angel attacking Tokyo-3 came through." Kaji glanced up, where, sitting inside of the room, was a large Skeleton-like thing, undoubtedly an Angel.

"So, this is the Sixth Angel?" Kaji asked, knowing of two more Angels attacking Tokyo-3 since he'd left for NERV HQ with Asuka.

"No." Maeda replied, confusion clouding his features. "We sent the data to NERV HQ to analyse. It's definitely an Angel, but not the Sixth."

"Excuse me?" Kaji asked, wondering how it couldn't be the Sixth.

"The report we got back indicated the being as the Nineteenth Angel." Maeda said, wondering himself as to why the Angel hadn't been designated the Sixth, or in reality, the Fourth, as the data was sent to NERV HQ once the Angel had been found.

"The Nineteenth?" Kaji replied, confusion settling into his features. "Shouldn't it be the Fourth? If it was found after the Third?"

"That's what we thought too. But the report said otherwise."

"Strange." Kaji simply commented, in his head however, thoughts were rushing past.

"Come." Maeda stated, stepping further into the facility, Kaji followed behind, curious.

Both men stepped into a small room, Maeda flicked on the light, allowing the room to come into focus.

"What is this?" Kaji stated, staring at the thing in wonder.

"This is what Bethany Base was made for." Maeda replied, indicating to the being. "Wonderful, isn't it?"

"Sure." Kaji replied, noticing the rather strange use of cables sitting high above. 'This thing won't work.' He thought, turning back to Maeda. "Well, Commander. It's been a pleasure, but I will retire." Kaji stated, heading out of the room, with a brief wave of his hand.

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