Chapter 10: Unit-00

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We're heading towards the finale of the Opening Arc! Woot Woot! Got some great action and scenes coming up in the next few chapters! Enjoy!

I do want to take a quick moment to talk about some things however. Scenes and Characters from various other versions of Evangelion are going to be in this story. Those being, the Manga (Mainly for backstories and some scenes exclusive to it), Rebuild (Mainly 2.0, as well as introducing Mari as an extra character), and a few videogame storylines (1st and 2nd Impression, and Girlfriend of Steel). This allows me to both utilise more characters, and make larger changes to the main story as we go along.


August 7th, 2015

"So that's what it's like when you smile..." Shinji glanced over at Misato as they wandered the hallways of NERV HQ. Shinji would be going with Misato to take a look at something once he had been given his pilot status back. Misato wandered ahead of him, muttering as she walked.

"What was that?" Shinji asked, wondering what Misato was talking about.

"Just thinking. Although, I think that was the first time I've actually seen you smile." Misato smiled at him, taking an opportunity, while the boy had his guard down, to tease him. "You're pretty cute, Shinji. Cuter than you'd think anyway." Shinji blushed as Misato started to poke him with her elbow, a teasing grin on her face.


Steps could be heard coming down the hallway. Shinji and Misato glanced up at the noise, seeing Rei Ayanami come into view. She stopped when she saw the Third Child.

"So... you didn't quit."

"Yeah... I came back." Shinji smiled slightly in reply. Rei expression didn't change. She pushed past Shinji, not rough, but noticeable.

"I could have piloted Unit-01 perfectly well." Rei said no more as she continued around the corner, disappearing from view. Shinji and Misato stared after her, in Shinji's case, dumbfounded.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Nah." Misato replied, "She's like that with everybody. Unlike you, nobody has ever seen Rei smile."

Shinji continued to stare at where Rei once was. Thoughts clouding his mind. 'What happened to her?'

June 31st, 2015

"Begin Activation."

- Neon Genesis Evangelion S2 Works - Disc 3, Track 8 - E-5 (Rhythm Only) (14:41)-

"Connecting main power to all circuits."

"Main power supply connected. Commencing Activation system." Gendo stared straight ahead at the visage of the orange Evangelion Unit-00, currently being held in restraints against the far wall. Unit-00 was having an activation test with the First Child, Rei Ayanami, currently inside Unit-00's Entry Plug. "Activation Voltage is approaching critical level. 0.5, 0.2. Rising." Inside the small control area, Ritsuko Akagi and Kozo Fuyutsuki stood, also watching the activation test.

"Beginning the second phase of the activation."

"The First Child has begun link-up."

"Start-up system, Phase 2."

"Synapses inserted. Junctions connecting."

"Cardiograph transmitting pulse."

"All circuits operational."

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