Chapter 21: Moment, Heart, Together

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Okay so here's Chapter 21! Lots of stuff here, some early work towards Unit-13, and of course, Israfel arrives and attacks! Very long chapter here, it ended up being about 25,000 Words! How did I manage that? It just happened I swear.

I should also note that alongside this new chapter update, Chapter 1 has also been rewritten! So, if you haven't already, go have a read of that as well, lots of improvements there!


September 2nd, 2015

A long day at school had come to a close, and Shinji, Asuka and Mari had been called to NERV for another Sync Test. Asuka's first since arriving in Tokyo-3.

"Ready for your first Sync Test in Japan, Princess?" Mari asked, skipping along the path towards the Geofront.

"Yes!" Asuka replied, her competitive nature coming out in full force. "Of course, I will have the highest score, seeing as I am the best pilot!"

"I don't know about that, Princess. The Puppy over here's been ranking pretty decently as well." Mari replied, keeping an eye on Asuka, wondering what the reaction will be. Mari had already gathered that Asuka was quite competitive, so she wondered what Shinji's more laid back attitude would provide.

"Oh really, Shinji!? Ranking decently, well, are we?" Asuka asked, getting up in the boy's face.

"Well yeah, I mean... it's alright." Shinji replied, staring at the ground.

"You can be so boring sometimes." Asuka bluntly said, causing Shinji to blush. Asuka started running then, glancing over her shoulder towards her fellow pilots. "Chase me, Third Child!" She cackled gleefully, dashing ahead. Shinji shrugged, before running after her. Mari grinned.

'They're so adorable!' Mari thought as she trailed along at a slower pace.

"Oh yeah! Asuka's the best!" Asuka cried out as she arrived as the NERV HQ entrance, revelling in her victory. Shinji came up soon after, panting slightly. "How's that, Third Child!?" She asked, turning towards the boy, who simply smiled at her.

"It's good, Asuka." He replied, giving her a good-natured smile. "You certainly are the best." He said, feeding her ego slightly. She gave him a smile, as Mari sauntered towards them.

"Wow! What a race!" She said, wringing her hands. "Obviously, you were both here before I was, so did you get up to anything... interesting... while you were waiting?" She asked with a cat-like grin adorning her face. Asuka blanched at Mari's question, as Shinji laughed behind her.

"What the hell are you implying by that!?" She said, getting up in Mari's face. "And why are you laughing Shinji!?"

"I'm just kidding. Geez, learn to take a joke, Princess." Mari replied, laughing slightly. Asuka huffed and turned towards the main doors, pulling out her ID Card and swiping it, opening the door, she entered quickly, grumbling something along the lines of Four-Eyes as the door shut again. Shinji sighed, turning to Mari beside him.

"Do you always have to rile her up?" He asked, wondering exactly why Mari continued to do this to Asuka. Mari shrugged.

"I can get reactions out of her, similar to you, Puppy." Mari replied, patting the boys head, stepping towards the doors and swiping her ID Card, entering the large pyramid herself. Shinji sighed, confused as he stepped towards the doors himself, pulling out his own ID Card and entering the large complex after his fellow pilots.

"LCL Filling. Starting Sync Testing. Voltage increasing to Critical Point. Voltage has passed Critical Point. Insert Synapses, Connect Junction. Transmitting Pulse. Connecting all Pilots to A-10 Headsets. All Circuits Operational. Sync Test has begun." Came the voice of Maya Ibuki over the intercom, as the four Children settled into their test plugs for their next sync test, their first after the retrieval of Unit-02 and the defeat of Gaghiel. The Children settled into their meditative states for the Sync Test, relaxing back against the seats as the Sync Test took full effect.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Little AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora