Chapter 17: Jet Alone

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Welcome back! It's time for the Jet Alone project! Besides that, this chapter is long, about 10,000 words, so I'm happy that I could get a long and complete chapter out for you. I'd say about 2/3s of this chapter is Episode 7, and the remaining 1/3 is new content to bridge gaps between areas. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the shenanigans of Misato and Ritsuko!


August 19th, 2015

The loud engine of the NERV chopper arriving in what was once Central Tokyo, now simply known as the Abandoned Zone, No. 28. Inside, Misato sat watching out the window, Ritsuko sitting close by, both watched as the once lavish landscape spread out in front of them, now dead and decaying due to a nuclear strike years before, after the Second Impact. Misato wrapped her hand around her cross pendant, watching in silence.

"Looking at it now, with nothing around for miles, dead scraps everywhere. It's hard to believe that this place was once the capital of Japan, the flourishing Tokyo."

"We're here." Ritsuko briefly commented, causing Misato to turn towards another window. Odd against the rest of the area around it, a decently sized pure white building stood in the middle of the landscape. A smaller, more compact building nearby, more circular in shape. Misato frowned as she watched the area.

"Why, of all places, did they decide to do this here? Is the SSDF even involved in this project?"

"The Strategic Self Defence Force?" Ritsuko replied, not even looking over at Misato bored in her chair, her attention fully on the computer sitting on her lap in front of her, lighting up her face. "No, they aren't, they're not allowed to interfere in this matter."

"I see." Misato replied, her head resting on her hands. "That explains how they're able to do whatever they like. With a lurch, the chopper began to descend towards the ground, making Misato lose her balance slightly as a result. The chopper headed towards the smaller white building, where an assortment of other choppers, of which representatives from various places where brought, laid out below them, of various colours, the things looked like a piece of artwork a four-year-old would make when looking at it from a distance.

As the chopper landed, Misato and Ritsuko stepped out onto the pavement. Heading immediately towards the nearest entrance, Misato looked extremely bored, while Ritsuko looked calm and patient. Stepping into the nearest lift, they descended towards the floor where the demonstration would be taking place.

Stepping out, they were greeted by a large white and red sign, next to a large door leading into a nice seating area. Unique in that the area also consisted of the Central Control Area for this demonstration, of which Misato had no idea about, only being told to be here. The sign told them that this was the place, reading: 'Celebrating JA Completion. Announcement Commemoration.' Misato and Ritsuko entered quietly, after showing their NERV ID's to the men out front, sporting business suits, and sat down at their designated table.

There was a lot of talk going on around them, Misato continued to look bored, while Ritsuko was staring at one man in particular, a man wearing a lovely blue business suit today, Shiro Tokita was prepared to make his announcement.

The hall quietened considerably once Shiro walked towards the stand and took it. He pulled out his note cards from his breast pocket, and proceeded to speak.

"Hello everyone. I'd like to thank you all for taking some time out of your extremely busy schedules today to attend this demonstration of a new machine that we, the Japan Heavy Chemical Industries are extremely proud off. In a few minutes, we will be observing the official demonstration from this very room, but before we get to that, we'll be taking some time here to answer a few of your questions that I'm sure many of you have."

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