Chapter 16: The Work of Man

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Welcome back! Sorry for the wait, Episode 7 can be really boring, I have to say. Anyway, some progression here. Some news regarding a new machine being built. Gendo having plans. Progress on new Evangelion Units comes to light. Shinji finds out a bit more about the world as it is today. All this and more, in today's chapter!


August 17th, 2015

The Geofront was quiet, unusual for the day. The soft pitter patter of the lake next to the Geofront was all that could be heard.

Gendo Ikari's office stood as it always did. Dark, dank, a place that generally, no one would ever want to be in. The usual artwork sat situated on the floor and ceiling of the office. Inside, Gendo stood on the phone, in deep conversation with someone.

"So, it seems it's come to this. I owe you, once again." Gendo stated, staring blinding at the door.

"You're not going to pay me back anyway, aren't you?" The voice on the other end replied in a serious tone, no emotion settling through the voice. "Speaking of which, those materials they demanded under the Freedom of Information Act." Gendo stared down at his desk, intrigue crossing his face. The plans for the Human Instrumentality Project lay open on the desk. The white light shining up at him. The only light in the otherwise dark room. "I handled the situation by giving them some... falsified data. The government is currently pursuing legal action, but knowing them, that could be blocked any day now." Gendo frowned, this wasn't going according to plan. What the man said next however, gave Gendo some hope once again. "So, should I do something regarding that project as well?"

Gendo thought for a moment, letting all the information he had received settle into place. Realising that the materials was exactly what he needed, he replied. "No. Judging by the materials that you've sent me, there should be need for any more action." Gendo glanced up at the brief sketch sitting in front of him. A large machine, similar to an Evangelion but very different at the same time. It had a rather large body, with no distinguishable head. In short, the machine was practically worthless. Gendo smiled.

"Alright then. I'll proceed according to the scenario." A click was heard as the line went dead.


– NGE S2 Works – Disc 2, Track 14 – B-16 Rhythm Only (Misato) –

The popping of the toaster brought the majority of the apartment's occupants to life. Shinji happily bit down on his piece of toast that he had quickly gotten out. Buttering it quickly before savouring the taste. Beside him Sachiel also ate... something, he wasn't sure what. It looked disgusting though. Shamshel was a bit more normal, deciding to have a bit of toast as well. In Shamshel's words, he was, "Trying out a bit of Human Cuisine." Ramiel sat there staring at everyone, not doing anything. Pen-Pen happily ate some of the complete fish that Shinji had set out for him. Grabbing the entire thing with his beak and happily gulping it down whole. Shinji didn't notice, happily eating himself. At peace with himself, and everyone around him.

The sound of a door being pulled open announced Misato's entrance. Still wearing her night clothes, Misato yawned as she massaged he stomach, groaning in annoyance at the day ahead.

Everyone simply looked at her, Misato didn't really care about the attention, she hardly noticed it anyway because she still wasn't completely awake. Shinji raised an eyebrow, his toast still in his hand. "Good morning." Pen-Pen took another whole fish into his mouth, the sound of it startling everyone.

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