"What- what was all that?" I asked out of breath, looking at this woman that I call my woman like she was a goddess that came down from heaven to bless me.

"Goodnight." She blew me a kiss and shut, and locked the bathroom door behind her. She was right. I closed my eyes for a split second and was out for the rest of the night. Faith has some powerful cat because it don't make no sense how fast I fall asleep after she's in control.


Faith's POV

"Hey Kai Kai." I walked in the kitchen to see her sitting at the breakfast nook on her tablet, eating a piece of pizza that I guess Dave bought last night.

"Hey." She mumbled with her mouth full.

She's been really down since we got here and I feel bad. Of course she misses New York. That's where she's been all her life and now we just up and leave in the middle of the school year to the south. It's a culture shock for her and I'm going to do my best to help her adjust.

"Come on." I closed her tablet and went to the fridge to get me a slice of pizza.

"Where we going?" She looked up from her seat.

"Out. Just you and me all day. Whatever you want to do and whatever you want to talk or vent about. I'm here to listen and give you reassurance. Would you like to join me?"

She pondered for a short amount of time and shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" She stood up to throw her trash away. When she was done she hugged up against my side and we walked to the front door. She picked up the key to the Tesla after I helped her put her heavy coat on. It's winter down here. It's not New York cold, but it's still cold. "Can I?" She looked up at me. I handed her my phone and she unlocked it going to the Tesla app to start the car once we stood outside of the door.

"Come on girl." I chuckled and we rushed to get in the car to warm up. We sat in there for five minutes warming up. "Where to?"

"Can we go to the mall? I need some new clothes for my first day."

"Oh yeah. Good idea." I played along. This girl has more than enough new clothes, but I'll get her an outfit or two. Us hanging out isn't me trying to bribe her either. I just want to bond with her. Dave is still asleep from last night, so I shot him a quick text to let him know that he's watching the younger kids today before pulling off to the mall.

I don't know why he's been so mean to me lately, but it's honestly been hurting my feelings. I thought I was being a good girlfriend and I've been on my best behavior so I don't know why he's been so cold towards me. Everything I do irritates him now. It makes me feel like he's starting to get to that point where he's tired of me and being in a relationship with me. He's making me feel insecure...I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

"Be honest. How do you feel about being here?" I asked Kairi as we sat and ate in the food court.

"I'm okay, mom. Really." She shook her head and ate another piece of her sesame chicken.

"Then what is it Kai? You been down since we got here. You know you don't ever have to feel scared or ashamed to talk to me. That's what I'm here for."

"I just-" she stopped and sighed, putting her fork down. "You promise you won't be upset?"

"I promise." I sat down my own fork to give her my undivided attention.

"Well my "mom" came to my school before we left."

That right there had me annoyed, but I masked my emotions so she could finish. "For what?"

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