Chapter 13

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"I've never really been in love." I replied, almost in monotone. Hannah rolled her eyes in disbelief. I ignored her and continued eating my breakfast.
"Yeah right, says the one who has a boyfriend." She spoke back. "Puh-lease. At least I'm dating someone right now." I snorted, Hannah laughed.
"Bruh, what's so funny?" I asked, taking a second serving for my plate. She shrugged and signalled to look behind her. 

I looked past her shoulder curiously and saw Anastasia, going around telling people something. I got dirty looks from other students walking past the Ravenclaw table.
"What's going on?" I muttered to Hannah. She looked at me with a knowing look.
"She's spreading rumours about you, without you knowing. I smell drama" Hannah joked, I agreed with her.
"I'm going to meet Oliver, cya!" I said before walking over to the Slytherin table. Oliver seems to be deep in his thoughts... I decided to scare him. I slowly crept up behind him and whispered,
"Boo" into his ear. He jumped.
"Oh Merlin, Al! You scared me there."
"Pay back :)" I grinned cheekily. Oliver smirked. Nope, this isn't going to be good...I thought to myself. He suddenly pecked me on the lips, I was taken aback.
"Oliver!" I yelped in shock. Oliver chuckled, there were a few stares in our direction but I didn't really care.

-Malfoy Manor-

"Astoria!! No please don't leave me..!" Draco screamed as he saw his wife, Astoria Greengrass lying on the bed looking at him with a small smile on her face.
"I love you... Draco. Tell Oliver that I love him too.." She whispered before taking in her last breath. Draco dropped down on his knees as he clutched his now lifeless wife. He sobbed furiously, guess he needed to tell Oliver now. Draco got up off his knees, his eyes bloodshot red from crying. Draco went to his room and took out a piece of parchment paper and a quill with squid ink. He wrote.

Dear Oliver,
It's dad here. You see, your mom just passed today. The doctor couldn't save her from the blood curse. I'm sorry Oliver. I hope you can get Al back.
Your dad,
Draco Lucius Malfoy

Draco called his owl and tied the letter around it's leg. He patted it's head before letting it fly out of the open window where sunlight was streaming in.

Hogwarts, Scotland, 24 October 2018, 07 20a.m.

"How's your mom?" I asked, glancing up at Oliver, his smiling face turned grave.
"She's not doing well..." He muttered as we reach the Ravenclaw Common Room.
"What is tall when it's young, short when it's old?"
"A candle" I answered casually. We both entered the common room. I entered my room with a gentle push. Nobody was in. I sat on my bed, sighing heavily.
"What's wrong?" Oliver asked concerned. He sat beside me, pulling me close to him.
"I don't know... I just feel that something's off. Like, something's not right." I said, furrowing my brow. I leaned against Oliver's hard chest, I could hear his heart beating, beating in a slow steady beat.
"What's not right?" Oliver questioned me, I shrugged. Just then, the door opened.
"Oh hey Al, Ana was just looking for you." It was Laura. Anything regarding Anastasia is not good.
"Okay. Tell her I'm on my way. Where does she want to meet?" I asked, shooting Oliver the I don't like the sound of this look. He mouthed, 'same'.
"Oh, she said to meet in the darkest part of the castle. " Which is the darkest staircase. I shivered a little.
Thats where I saw her with the guy. Oh nope...
"O---Okay." Oliver held my hand tightly and squeezed it.
"I'm coming with her." He told Laura, she nodded.
"But you can't let Ana see you, she told me that Al should come alone but since you are her boyfriend I guess you can come.. And I think you should, Ana's intentions are not pure whenever she talks about Al." Laura looked behind her nervously while she confessed.
"Okay, let's go." I said, standing with Oliver behind me, holding my hand tightly, giving me a reassuring smile. I smile back nervously, he knew that the smile was faked. We quietly but quickly walked to the place, Oliver hiding behind the wall I hid behind when I saw Ana with the other dude. Laura brought me to Ana who was smirking horridly. Her eyes had evil engraved in them. I did not like the look on her face, it was smug and horrifying.
"Well well well, look whose here. Little miss perfect, guess you were stupid enough to come and meet up with me huh?" Ana mocked me, she cackled. I stared at her, anger boiling up inside of me. I was keeping my composure.
"What? Nothing to say? Ahahaha, that'll teach you not to mess with me bitch." And with that she took out her wand and muttered,
"Sectumsempra" I felt a sharp pain shoot through me and I stumbled backwards before losing my balance and falling onto the ground. My vision was blurry. One moment I heard footsteps, the next I heard Oliver's voice. The footsteps most probably is Ana's and I think Laura's but I heard her voice calling for help so Ana ran away. I think I blacked out...

~5 Days later~
I woke up, white... I saw white only. Where was I? I tried to move but whenever I turned to my side, a sharp pain will make me gasp and turn back onto my back. I then heard Mdm Pomfrey's voice. Thank God, I was in the hospital wing.
"Oh my merlin Al! I'm so glad you're awake!" I heard someone yell. I saw straight red fiery hair and light blue eyes looking at me. Hannah!
"H---Hannah? Is that you?" I asked, pushing myself up to a sitting position. It was painful but I didn't care. Hannah, Roxanne and.. Laura ran up to me.
"Oh gosh, I miss you so much!" Roxanne muttered as she hugged me hard, happy tears streamed down my face.
"I'm still alive right? Please tell me I'm not." I said, my eyes teary. Roxanne choked on her sobs.
"Of course you're still alive!" I looked over at Laura who was hit with guilt.
"Hey... Laura, it's not your fault. Don't worry." I placed a hand on her shoulder.
"But I almost got you killed! I'm so sorry." Laura apologised, breaking down. Roxanne hugged her, I turned to Hannah who was smiling and mouthing to me, 'I totally ship it!!' I nodded in respond.
"Where's Oliver?" I asked out of the blue, they all looked at me.
"You never heard?" I shook my head no. Hannah sighed, and continued.
"Oliver received news that his mother passed on and he had never stepped out of his dorm ever since, I got Owen to check on him and Owen found out that Oliver had been cutting himself." My heart sank, a wave of sadness crashed over me.
"Owen, he... he told us that Oliver was laying in a pool of his own blood when he found him.-"

-Cliffhanger. Hah-

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