Chapter 11

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<Malfoy Manor, 23 October 2018>
"Father, I really like this girl, you see-"
"And is she a pure-blood?"
"Yes, you might know her mother. Um... Bellatrix lestrange." Draco stopped reading his book and looked at his son.
"Bellatrix has a daughter? Oh, that's interesting. What's her name?" Oliver rubbed the back of his neck, nervously.
"She's called Al Lestrange. I---I'm sure you've heard of her?" Draco nodded.
"Yes yes. She's a quite pleasant girl indeed, smart too. Which house?"
"Ravenclaw." Draco snickered, then, Astoria stepped in.
"That's amazing Ollie. Draco, don't do that."
"Sorry hunny, your son likes a Lestrange. Bellatrix's daughter. Amazing right? I told you they'll get together." Draco turned to Oliver who was looking down on the ground, thoughts running through his head.
"Tell you what, if you like her so much then why not bring her over and we'll eat dinner with her." Oliver smiled widely.
"Thank you father. I would try to win her back, we kinda fell out but, I'm sure she still cares.. hopefully.." Draco and Astoria looked at each other, then, Astoria bent down on one knee and looked at her son, sympathetically.
"She will, your father was the same in his Hogwarts years, he even liked Hermione Granger! Amazing right? Anyways, girls can be flirting with other boys everyday but when they are going to fall asleep, the boy that they truly care of would pop up in their head and they'll smile."
"Don't give up son, I don't want you to lose your first love like I did. And once you tell her you're hers, don't ever leave. A girl's heart is fragile, once broken, you'll see her in 3 years and she'll still remember whatever you did to her."
<Hogwarts, Scotland. 23 October 2018>
I greeted my friends along the corridors while walking to class, I realized, Oliver isn't here today. I'll just ask Ana. Maybe she knows where Oliver is. I quickly walked up to Anastasia, but stopped at a distance. Muffled voices filled the area, it was Ana. But with a male voice. Clearly Oliver doesn't know something about his girlfriend.
"C'mon, he won't find out. Besides, I'm just using him for money, he's clingy." I heard her say, I gasped but quickly covered my mouth,
"Who's there?" A male voice asked, I the heard footsteps coming nearer to me.
"It's fine, you're just hearing things." Then, I heard kissing sounds and whipped out my phone. I recorded everything and ran away when I heard Ana and the mysterious stranger walking my way. I panted heavily when I reached class.
"You look pale Al, you alright?" I nodded, looking over to flitwick who just entered class.
"Alright class, let's start. Take out your homework and hand it up now, if you've forgotten to bring or do it, hand it up tomorrow." I rummaged through my bag and found the homework, I handed it up to prof. Flitwick and he started the lesson. Halfway through the lesson, Anastasia entered, I definitely knew why she was late.
"Why are you late, miss Èttiene?"
"Sorry professor, I got caught up in my book that I forgotten about charms, besides, I did come so..."
"Okay, get your seat and take out the charms book, page 108" Ana sat beside me, I groaned quietly. She glared at me.
"I know you saw me and a guy just now, Lestrange. You better shut your filthy blood traitor mouth or I'll tell Oliver everything you did." She whispered, I smirked
"I'd like to see you try. I have evidence, Èttiene, you can't stop me." Ana growled at my words and turned away.
<after charms>
I met up with Hannah who just finished her homework.
"What's up? Can't take too long, I have to meet Felix but he can wait, friends before guys." I laughed,
"Do you know where Oliver is?" Hannah rolled her eyes at me.
"Seriously Al? You're still interested in that Malfoy dude? He isn't worth it."
"I'm not interested in him, I'm just worried. He is my friend after all." Sighing, Hannah looked away. She whispered
"He's at the Malfoy Manor." I was stunned, Malfoy Manor? What??? I thought.
"Are you sure? He told me he's going to see slughorn..."
"Oh damn that's messed up. You sure?"
"Could ask you the same thing." Hannah pressed her fingers on her temple, thinking hard.
"Maybe you just heard wrongly..." She shrugged.
"I did not ' just hear wrongly'!" I defended. Hannah just sighed
"I know you did not but no point arguing because of a boi. Besides I have better things to do so ciao." She walked off towards the Quidditch pitch, leaving me standing in frustration.
"Goddamnit Oliver." I muttered under my breath. Then, someone called my name, I froze.
"What do you want?" I turned on my heels, oh.
"Sorry, am I interrupting something? If I am I'll back off."
"Whaaaaaat...... I thought you were- uh.... What?" I said in confusion.
"Bye lovebirds!" Hannah shouted,
"You planned this?" Oliver kinda nodded, his cheeks flushed with pinkness. I rolled my eyes.
"Actually, I wanted to tell you something, but I'm sure you'll not agree.."
"Spill." Oliver took in a deep breath.
"I love you."
"Aren't you with Ana? Oh wait, I need to tell you something too." I took out my phone, Oliver stared at me in confusion. I feel so sorry for Oliver.
"Here." I showed him the photo, his eyes widened in shock. Speaking of Ana, she skipped towards Oliver and I.
"Hey baby! What happened? Is this blood traitor bothering you? I'll help you." She glared daggers at me. Oliver turned and looked at Ana, it was really amusing to watch.
"No, Al's not bothering me. You are, cheating slut. We're through." Oliver snapped, I could see Ana break, right there. And honestly, I don't care.
"I'll get you bitch!" She yelled and ran off crying. I looked back at Oliver who was very quiet.
"You alright? I'm sorry, but I needed to. I couldn't bear see you with her, don't get the wrong idea. I don't like you." Oliver smirked, I blushed, I still couldn't get use to his cuteness.
"Well, you definitely like me. No doubt. So, about that.."
"I love you."
"Okay, what do you expect me to say?"
"I want us to be official." I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was so speechless.
"O--oliver... I don't know what to say. This is all so sudden."
"It's fine, I'll give you time. Besides, I still have to get over her." By her Oliver means Ana. I nodded and hugged him.
"I miss you.." I accidentally blurted out,
"I... Miss you too."

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