Chapter 4 (year 4-5)

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"Yo Al. Wake up!" Miki's voice woke me up with a start.
"Okay...Okay." I sighed and Miki smiled, grimly. I got up of the couch and yawned.
"Sooooo~ Are you and Oliver dating by any chance? Because I've planned for your wedding😂" Miki asked walking to me. I looked at her in disbelieve.
"You did what?!" I said, half shouting.
"I planned for your wedding because why not?" Miki answered still grinning. 
"You were laying in Oliver and you both fell asleep on the couch so I figured out that you guys are dating. I mean don't get the wrong idea but you two look very cute together." She squealed and I rolled my eyes.
"For the last time,I do not like him." I said, almost shouting.
"Okay okay, whatever you say. But I know what I saw." Miki snorted and walked out of the common room. I sighed, hoping that nobody would notice me when I enter the Great Hall. Curse this unlucky day, I thought
"this is so ridiculous"I muttered under my breath.I quickly changed into my robes and rushed out. When I saw outside, I saw Oliver leaning against the wall, staring at the wave of students in the corridor.
"Jeez...Why is he here..?" Oliver saw me and his eyes lit up.
"Hey, I was waiting for you." I walked pass him, givibg people the silent treatment is my best skill. Provided they don't bug me too much. Oliver,however, doesn't give up. He runs in front of me and I stop, staring up at his tall figure.
"Are you mad at me? If you are, what did I do wrong?" Oliver asked, his voice grave.
I look away. I can't stare at his face, it's too attractive. Instead, I shove him to the side and walked off, picking up my pace when I heard his footsteps behind me.  I snapped.
"You don't give up do you Malfoy?" I turned around and cursed at myself for making a scene.
"Uh... No?" Oliver stammered and I looked at the ground.
"Just get out of my sight. Your annoying." I tried to walk off but Oliver grabbed my arm.
"Wait. D--Do you want to see my friends?" I froze.
"W---What? I... Fine. Where are they?" I stammered, still annoyed. Oliver took my hand and pulled me through the crowd. I could hear people whispering and looked at Oliver who apparently looks very very nervous.
"Um...Oliver? It's fine if you do not want to." Then he stopped. I was shocked and confused. Did I say something wrong? What happened to the Oliver I know?
" I just remembered they aren't available. I just said that to get us out of the crowd." Oliver confessed and looked at his shoes.
"You lied. You lied to me? If you are going to lie, look that person in the eyes."
"I did not-"
"I don't want to hear your crap. Don't come near me again."
"I did not lie! I was going to bring you to them but I remembered that they aren't available!"
"Shut up! I don't want to hear your f-ing bullshit." My voice cracked. I did not want to cry but it was hard.
"I'm not lying! Why can't you believe me? What's wrong with you Al? One minute you were fine and now your ignoring me? That hurt me you know?" I heard Oliver say behind me, I felt hot tears well up my eyes and a lump in my throat.
"Shut up Oliver. I hate you, I mean it this time!" I yelled in frustration and sadness. Then, tears started streaming down my face and I teared away Oliver's hand on my arm and sprinted away with tears streaming down my face. Then, I heard Hannah shout and I stopped.
"Al! Omg, I heard what happened... Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay to you? Just leave me alone..." I muttered and ran off. Back in the Ravenclaw common room, I was hysterical. I was so angry that Oliver lied to me, and he sounded like my ex... You see, Jaxon, he was a jerk. He cheated on me too many times and he likes to verbally abuse me. So I was constantly called a bitch by him and other names which I do not want to say for privacy reasons. Roxanne is the only person who knew about my ex and I am really afraid to talk about my past because it really affected me. Whenever somebody says something that my ex has said specifically, memories will come flooding back.
"Al?" I turned around and saw Roxanne.
"I---" I stammered and Roxanne rushed to me and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you when you needed me... I really am sorry Al... What happened?" Roxanne asked and I hugged her tighter.
"He lied... He lied to me Ro.." Tears threatened to spill and my voice cracked....
"Who lied? Oliver?" Roxanne pulled away and sat down on the couch beside me.
"Oliver... He lied to me, I don't want to see him again. I hate him. He reminds me of... Jaxon." I mumbled, fidgeting my bracelet. Roxanne furrowed her brow and put her hand on her temples, thinking hard.
"Oliver lied? But, he is so protective of you... Why would he lie to you?" Protective? That is utterly rubbish!
"What do you mean protective? He was never protective of me." I said,my voice tensed.
"He technically is... He threatened other guys to not ask you on a date if they asked you, they will maybe get beaten up? So that's why you think that no guys like you but half of the Slytherin guys are crushing on you. And that is another reason why Sanchez and her gang always pick on you. They are jealous." I scoffed. That is just ridiculous.
"Your being ridiculous... Nobody likes me, nobody will... Not even Oliver, so how do people like me? Not even the Slytherin or I should say every houses hearthrob likes me. I don't really care if half of the Slytherin guys like me." I uttered, irritated. Roxanne frowned.
"Don't say that.. I like you."
"W---What?" I saw Owen leaning on the common room door. Roxanne smirked and my cheeks went red.
"Oooo~ She got an admirer from Gryffindor~" Roxanne teaser and I glared at her. Owen smiled and walked over to us.
"Hi.... How did you come in?" I asked as Owen sat down.
"Hm... I read the book for riddles and answered to door."
"You read? That is funny." I commented and Owen laughed.
"I'll take that as a compliment lady." He said and I smiled, sarcastically. Roxanne just stared at the both of us and winked at me.
"So.. how did y'all meet each other huh? Your prince charming caught you or something?" Roxanne teased and I saw Owen blush.
"You are kind of right... I had my nose buried in a book while walking and bumped into Owen. And then, the awkward moment happened, he caught me." I explained, blushing furiously.
"Yeah. That's practically all." Owen confirmed and Roxanne smiled.
"Owen, you should be careful with a Slytherin guy, Oliver. Because he will literally threaten you if you ask Al out. Just saying" Owen nodded.
"I kinda had an encounter with that guy and it did not end well lol. He must like you alot Al."
"What? Nah..." I shook my head and hugged my knee.
"But, why did you say that?"
"Because, we just fought and he lied."
"What? He lied, to you?! I'm going to find that jerk-"
"Owen don't!" I yelled and grabbed his hand. Owen
looked at me.
"Don't... Please, Owen..." And Owen's face soften.
"Fine... But if he ever bothers you again, I'll kick him in the shin" I smiled, gratefully.
"Oi, lovebirds. We gotta go to class. It starts at 8:30, come on!" Roxanne shouted and I walked out of the Ravenclaw common room with Owen. When I was walking through the hall, I heard whispers and saw people staring at me with confused and angry looks on their faces. Then, I felt somebody's fingers interwined with mine and looked up.
"It's going to be alright, Al. Ignore them." Owen reassured me and smirked. I punched his arm and looked around, scanning the area to see if Oliver is there and surprisingly, he is. With his friends...
"Shit, he's here... Oh no." I cursed and looked away. Oliver looked at my direction and Owen glared at him. I turned around and stared at them both.
"Owen, it's alright. It's not like he's going to walk over here and hurt me right?" I nudged Owen and he nodded but he is obviously still annoyed. I looked at Oliver and guilt overwhelmed me. Something about what I am doing feels wrong... But I don't know what! Is it me hanging out with Owen or me ignoring Oliver? I don't know anymore.... I feel Oliver's piercing blue-grey eyes staring at me.
"Al?" Roxanne's voice jolted me back to reality.
"Yeah? I'm fine..."
"Okay... We reached. Come on." So, Owen, I and Roxanne walked into potions.
"Okay class. Today we are going to brew Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" Professor Slughorn asked and my hand shoots up like almost immediately.
"Yes, Ms Lestrange?"
"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world and it makes the drinker obsessed over the person who brewed it. Amortentia has a Mother-of-pearl sheen,Spiralling steam and Scent is multi-faceted and varies based on what the person likes." Professor Slughorn nodded and the class applaud. I looked down at my shoes and secretly smiled. Nobody could see me smiling because my horrible long black messy hair was covering my face. Then, Professor started reading our names for the pairs.
·Roxanne Anderson with Felix Potter
·Owen Wood and Hannah Granger-Weasley
·Oliver Malfoy and Al Bella Lestrange.
"Move to your partner's desk now." Professor Slughorn ordered and we all moved. I can't believe I needed to partner Oliver... I walked over to Oliver's place and sat beside him.
"Hey... I know your mad at me but can you at least talk to me?" He asked.
"We are here to brew a love potion called Amortentia and not to settle things, can you concentrate and we will settle whatever later." I said through gritted teeth and Oliver nodded. We added Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstones, pearl dust and rose petals. Then, I mixed the potion and we were done. Professor Slughorn walked over to our table and grinned widely.
"Great job to Ms Lestrange and Mr Malfoy! They are done with their potion. Now, I need all of you to gather around and I want each if you to smell the potion and tell me what you smell." Groans of disagreement echoed throughout the room but students eventually gathered around at Oliver and my table.
"Alright then. Let's start with Mr Malfoy." Oliver took a step forward, leaned towards the cauldron and smelled it.
"Um... It smells like wet grass, mint and books..." The whole room fell silent. People were staring at me and I do not like it.
"Okay, thank you Mr Malfoy. Next, Ms Lestrange." I walked over to the cauldron, leaned over and smelled the potion. Huh?
"Uh, it smells like apples, wet grass and a type of perfume which smells like l---lime..." I stammered once I realised the perfume belonged to Oliver. I looked up and saw him smirking.
"A match made in heaven!" I heard someone shout and Professor Slughorn chuckled.
"You are indeed right. Ms Lestrange and Mr Malfoy, are you guys currently dating or crushing on each other? Or... Are y'all planning to marry each other?" Professor Slughorn asked and I looked at Oliver who nodded and hugged me from the back.
"Yes professor but sadly she hates me. It is like this love-hate tension between us." He said and I punched his arm.
"Ooohhh! Well, I know one thing, you guys are a cute couple." Professor said and moved on the the next student. When it came to Owen, I was nervous. If he smells what Oliver smelled, shit is going to go down.
"I smell pieces of parchment, books and wet grass." Murmurs started breaking the silence.
"Okay students. Calm down. It seems like we have Mr Wood here and Mr Malfoy smelling almost the exact same thing which happens to be Ms Lestrange. This has happened before, of course but I want to see how things unfold. Since Ms Lestrange smelled Mr Malfoy, it is very clear that she has feelings for Oliver rather than Owen but that doesn't mean you guys can't still be friends" I sighed, relief that Professor know what I am feeling. I do not know how to face them both after this love potion session....

THANK YOU GUYS FOR 41 reads!!! This means so much to me! Can we get this series to a 100 reads please? Thank you!!
{Author: Al💕} ~Dedicated to the people who supported the author and people who reads this series💕💕💕 Bless y'all

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