The Beginning. (Prologue)

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The Beginning. (Prologue)

 Age 15 

“Gee… Gerard… Gee…” I say hovering over the raven haired boy blocking out the light from the sun, making his pale skin look grey and dull. He opens his eyes shining those hazel orbs as he looks up at me… god he looks like an angel, small chubby face and perfectly sculpted nose…. ‘You’re not gay, my son doesn’t like boys, no fag will stay under my roof.’ I internally flinch as my father’s voice slithers into my mind. Being gay was unheard of- it made people look like freaks and you had to make it a mission to stay low and it pissed me off. The angrier I got the more I wanted to rebel… no one could stop me from speaking to him either. Especially after that night, the night he needed protecting… if only he knew it was me.

“You had your eyes closed for about 10 minutes I thought you’d fallen asleep.” I say as I scuff my converse clad feet on the gravel of the art block floor suddenly turning shy at the thought of speaking to him so openly. I move to sit next to him feeling my heart spike at being so close yet too far from him, I just wanted to reach out and hold his hand. Make him know that it was all going to be okay after all. That he didn’t need to keep up the farce of drawing to make others happy.

“No. I was just… I was just thinking.” He sighs looking down at his sketchbook covered by a sketch of Poison Ivy although it’s mangled, her hair that’s strands of ivy coils up and snaps out like medusa and her fingers are long, sharp and pointed hooked claws of a temptress. To me just seeing him being productive it’s pure art.

“About me? Gee I’m flattered.” I chuckle, he smiles in reply showing off his small stubby teeth as he blushes. I can practically feel the heat rising up with the red taint from his neck to his cheeks whilst he looks down at the paper. Crap, I’ve embarrassed him, I got nervous and didn’t know when to shut my mouth.

“Do you remember Aurora?” He asks drawing his eyebrows together in a concerned way and looks over at me from the corner of his almond shaped eyes. Aurora, the girl who only ever spoke to 2 people in the entire time she’d be at school; the first one Gerard… the second one me- right before she died. She was ill, the type of ill that was hard to fight but we had all been faced with. She just couldn’t fight it anymore; one day she was here the next she wasn’t. Her folks, Mandy and Patrick, owned a diner out on Fifth Street- her funeral was held only a few months ago and we were there, Gerard stood back and watched whilst I stayed in my car but we were there and that was all that mattered; I couldn’t face her parents after what she said to me.

 “Of course, she took all those pictures, why?” I ask shuffling closer, he doesn’t need to know anything especially that she meant more than just a shrug. He doesn’t need to know that I had moved closer just to feel him, just to have him close if only for a few minutes, to feel hope flicker in my chest just for a moment where I don’t have to feel so lost.

 “She told me to close my eyes and count to 10 and what I would see would be better than reality… I just hate that when I open them again it all comes flooding back.” He sniffles and wipes the tear from his eyes. I hate to see him with sadness flickering in his eyes as they glaze over with tears. I hate how no matter how much I wish and pray he will never think of me when he closes those eyes.  He tenses as he feels my hand on his before he relaxes a little, I almost sigh with relief that he hasn’t rejected my try at comforting him. I just can’t help feel my pulse race and I try to stop the feeling of my blush and the urge to word vomit out that I like him so much. He’d hate me, it would make this more awkward than it already was.

 “She’s gone, Gee, nothing could have saved her- she left a mark on this world and now it’s time you do the same.” I feel his soft fingers caress on my rough ones hardened tips from years of guitar playing; “Remind me to come see you for my first tattoo I’m thinking of a heart.” I aim to change the subject as quickly as possible. She had her mark on him now I wanted mine.

 “You’re fifteen Frankie isn’t it a bit early to be thinking about tattoo’s?” He says and shivers, I realise he does this when talking to others about tattoos, maybe he was repulsed as my parents were at the though. He called me Frankie, he knows my name! He actually cares! Thinking I had upset him or made him uncomfortable over my possessiveness, I pull back my hand, I hate the feeling of losing his warmth but the more I got involved with him the harder it would be to leave him. To accept it was never going to happen.

 “Isn’t it a bit too early to think about the future? You don’t need to close your eyes to know what’s right in front of you.” I sigh and bite down on my lip piercing that I had done a few weeks ago. my ‘friends’ all went to get tattoo’s and shit done so I couldn’t pussy out on something so I got my lip pierced and I really like it. It had encouraged my nervous habit to bite my lip a whole lot more, I just liked to feel to cool metal, I liked the small bit of pain the tugged on my lip when I pulled it. That pain was nothing compared to the thoughts that caused me to turn bitter.

 “How do you see me Frankie?” He suddenly asks so softly as I meet his eyes, the light hazelnut orbs travel to my hair recently died black from skunk look previously, I had let it grow a little longer but nothing like his shoulder length hair. Then down to my arms covered by a checked hoodie as I look equally back at him- hovering over his arms covered by the cloth of his long sleeved shirt. I know about his arms, it kills me to think of him hurting himself but I know he won’t stop- I know he feels responsible for all the losses in his life. I notice his hands shaking and he snaps his gaze away to Lyndsey Ballato, she’s such a bitch going around acting like she’s things she’s not. One day she’s punk the next a fucking hippie, plus she’s beautiful so she has every guy falling over her including him. ‘Somebody’s jealous!’ my mind snaps, the second me that speaks to me when all I need is peace and I scowl at myself turning away so I don’t have to see his eyes on her.

 “Yo Frank!” I hear a voice snap me out of my green eyed haze, my friends call me over whilst my one friend, Ryan, who knows how much balls it took to even breath in Gerard’s direction looks apologetically at me. I hate them sometimes, spoiling my time with Gerard so I angrily pop up to my feet and remember he asked me a question. So I pull my best charming face and give him a wink thinking it might be the last time I speak to him, I better make it count.

 “You’re The Tattoo Guy.” I smirk as I walk away looking over my shoulder as I go, his eyes are wide and I see the big smile form back on his lips… I wish he was mine. I just wish it was that simple.

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