Play Practice

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-Tony's POV-

He gazed into the mirror at the purple spot on his neck, not bothering to cover it up. He came out, smiling at Stephen, who passed him a cup of coffee.


"No problem, good morning."

"Morning." He sat down to drink it, having about 10 minutes before they left. "How do you think everyone's gonna react?" He asked, referring to the mark.

"Oh we're definitely going to get made fun of, and Steve will probably be furious but whatever." Tony shrugged lightly. He honestly didn't care what they thought.

"We have our final play practice today don't we." He grumbled, checking his bag for his script packet.

"Yep. Ready, Ironman?" Stephen said the last work in a teasing tone, he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Doctor Strange" he checked his script and put it away again. He chugged the rest of his coffee and pulled out the script again, slinging his bag on. They walked out and down the street, having quiet conversations as they walked. Surprisingly, they spotted Natasha briskly walking in their direction. She looked pissed.

"Staying at the tower huh?"

"I Uh-"

"Save It Tony, just don't lie next time." She snapped

"Sorry." He noticed a small smirk as she scanned him over quickly, but she didn't say anything, simply spinning on her heels and walking back to the school, which was only a block away. Tony had to jog to catch up to her and Stephen.

"Don't worry about it. Lie again and I may openly tease you about the bruise your 'friend' gave you." She smirked at them, winking and facing forward again. They all sat down at the table, Tony setting his bag in his lap.

"Oh you found them?" Steve looked over.

"Yeah, they were at Stephens house making coffee." She lied fluidly, Steve nodded.

"You all ready for the play?" Clint asked, messing with the tip of a arrow.

"Sure." Tony shrugged lightly. He had his suit ready to deploy in his arc reactor, he knew everyone else had their costumes in their bags.

"Did everyone remember their lines?" Wanda asked softly.

"I think so. Wait- what about Bucky?"

"He didn't really say much in the play did he?" Sam asked.

"No, said he didn't want a lot of lines." Steve replied, shrugging.

"Guess we'll have to work around him." They stood up as the bell rang, the group making their way inside. Tony went to his locker, opening it and shoving his stuff inside. Everything was jumbled and confusing now, but at least he was still in high school, things will get worked out. As he walked to class, his mind wandered to 6 years in advance. Would he still be with his friends? Would they split apart? Would he be dating Stephen? The future is always unknown, but he's hopeful. Tony walked into the Theater classroom, where Wanda and Pietro were sitting, already in costume, with Vision.

"Hey guys." He sat down, yawning slightly.

"Hey Tony. Shouldn't you get into costume?"

"Not right now, the metal is heavy and uncomfortable." He shrugged. He made Rhodey a small deploying thing for his suit, so he didn't have to sit in the large metal machine. Sam came in with a wing pack on, the one Tony had made, and sat down. Followed by Steve in his spangly captain America costume. Tony chuckled despite himself at the way his shield that was strapped to his back was as wide as his shoulders. Natasha and Bruce walked in, Natasha was in a skintight leather suit, and Carol, who walked in right after her, was definitely staring.

"Tony where's your costume?" Steve asked. Tony tapped his arc reactor once, bringing Steve's eyes to the glowing blue circle. The then wandered slightly to the bruise on his neck and snapped away quickly. "Oh ok."

"Natasha you look awesome!" He changed the subject quickly as everyone else slowly came in. When seeing Thor and Loki walk in, it was surprising. Both had capes, and Loki was holding a large golden scepter.

"What happened to props?" Clint rose a eyebrow at them, Thor was idly swinging his hammer.

"We decided to use actual Asgardian items for our characters."

"I mean, I'm using Levi so why not." Stephen sat down, his cloak still draped around his shoulders.

"Levi?" Tony chuckled.

"Yes. It's short for Levitation." Stephen glared at him. He reached out a hand to the cloak, which slapped his hand away. "Levi, stop it." Stephen scolded quietly.

"Ok let's go over our lines." Tony stood across from Steve, his paper behind his back.

"Why shouldn't a guy let off a little steam?" Tony shrugged.

"You know damn well why. Back off!" Steve snapped in reply.

"Oh I'm starting to want you to make me." He sneered.

"Yeah, big man in a suit of armor. Take that off and what are you?"

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you." This part actually kind of hurt, but it was just acting. "I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you." Tony was about to say his next line when the teacher called for them to sit down. He silently put his script away, watching the first presentation.

It really wasn't that great, but in Tony's opinion, theirs was the best play that there would ever be. They stood up to do theirs and he put on his suit, seeing Rhodey do the same.

Of course all the blood and injuries were fake, but it still went really well and looked really cool. The group walked out of class, cheering and complementing each other. They all stayed in their suits, going to lunch together.

"So, that went well." Carol started as she sat down.

"I Agree, considering how awesome we are." Clint grinned, Natasha laughed at him.

"So Tony, what's that spot of dirt on your neck?" Sam turned to him. His cheeks flushed as he glanced at Stephen, then looked back at all the grins on everyone's faces, but Steve, who looked mildly furious.

"Tony you seem a little red there." Wanda hummed, a smile on her face.

"Shut up." He grumbled, feeling Stephen's arm around him.

"I couldn't help myself." This made him blush even more.

"I hate you all."

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