To never growing up

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(This chapter is inspired by the song 'here's to never growing up'. It was mostly off of a edit I saw using the song, sadly I couldn't find the edit again.)

-another long chapter-

Tony stuffed the last present into his bag and hung it on his shoulder, meeting Rhodey out in the living room as the two walked to the stark tower. They were surprisingly the first ones there, simply heading upstairs and putting their presents under the tree. Tony's dad hated Christmas, but Tony always stayed up all night to decorate in his mother's honor. He turned on the lights, sitting on the couch as the team arrived. Everyone was in Christmas sweaters, Natasha wearing a Santa hat. Loki was dressed in black with a bored expression on his face. They all sat down.

"Merry Christmas!" Tony announced.

"Merry Christmas Tony." Steve replied with a smile, everyone echoing his response, besides Loki, who was sitting in the corner now.

"Hey Tony, can I go get some snacks?" He looked over at Natasha, before nodding.

"Where's Stephen?" He asked, jumping as a pair of hands touched his shoulders. He turned around, a Ironman repulser pointing at the person who scared him, who turned out to be none other than his boyfriend. "Really?"

"Yes. Now please stop holding me at gunpoint".

"Fine." He put down his arm, still glaring.

"Tony, you can't kill your boyfriend." Clint protested.

"I can if he's gonna be a little shit."

"Good to see you too Tony." Tony smiled as Stephen pecked him, before sitting down.

"Uh presents can go under the tree." He said to them. "Natasha, where are the snacks?!" He called

"Right here!" she trotted out, coming from a different direction then the kitchen. Tony noticed, but didn't say anything. She set down the snacks, everyone reaching to grab them.

"So, What are we gonna do first?" Clint asked.

"What about a good old warmup game of truth or dare?" Tony suggested. "I'll start." He glanced around the circle. "Pietro Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to say booty at the end of every sentence." He shrugged, Pietro grumbling something.

"Fine, Steve, Truth or dare booty"


"What did you get me for Christmas booty?"

"I'm not telling you that!"

"Fine, do you think you'll marry Bucky in the future booty?" Tony snickered lightly at him.

"Uh-" Steve glanced at Bucky, who watched with a curious expression. "Yeah, yeah I really hope so." He smiled. "Clint, Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to moonwalk everywhere you go for the rest of the night." Clint huffed, Natasha laughing at him.

"Perfect dare cap." Tony chuckled.

"Thor Truth or dare?"


"Have you ever been caught checking someone out?"

"Uh- Yeah." Thor confessed, Bruce suddenly starting to cough.

"Bruce, got something to say?" Tony smirked.

"Uh no- I- no-" Bruce stumbled. He shook his head.

"Thor go."

"Carol Truth or dare?"

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