Science bros and being gay?

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Saturday, finally. He stretched, yawning and opening his curtains. It was already 11 and he could hear his phone ringing. He ran to grab it, answering.

"Hey Tony What are you doing today?"

"Probably nothing, I just woke up, why?"

"I was wondering if the science bros wanted to meet up and work on that suit of yours."

"Heck Yeah dude!" He said into the phone, going to get ready.

"I'll be there in 15."

"Ok, use the backdoor." He hung up. He finished getting ready and headed to the lab, laying out his blueprints and skeleton designs, making Bruce his own spot. He heard the door open, frowning when it wasn't Bruce.

"Anthony. What are you doing?"

"I'm doing a project, my friends coming to help me with it." He lied easily, covering the blueprints

"You better get top marks son." He said coldly, before leaving.

Bruce came in. "So that's your dad eh?" He sat down at his desk, looking at the files Tony had sent him.

"Yeah, can't even be called that." He said simply, measuring his arm for some of the thrusters. "He's the reason I have this." He tapped his arc reactor.

"Oh. Hey you ok after yesterday?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I went to Rhodey's till after school was over and then came here."

"You really missed him huh?"

"Yeah. My best friend." He sighed softly. "Anyways, come help me fit this." He smiled at Bruce as the boy came over to help clip the skeleton on.

A few hours passed of them working, Tony walked up behind Bruce, watching the man work on some chemicals. He put his hands on Bruce's shoulders as a friendly gesture, practically laying his chin on Bruce's head. They talked about the chemicals quietly.

"ANTHONY!" Bruce whipped his head up, it colliding with Tony's chin, who groaned in pain. "What is this!" The man was clearly drunk, Tony standing protectively next to his science bro.

"Dad we were-"

"Are you gay?"

"What! No!" Tony yelled. "We were working!"

"I will not have a gay son, get out or be forced out." Tony scrambled to collect the stuff, grabbing Bruce's wrist and dragging him out.

"I'm so sorry." Tony said when they got outside.

"Don't be, its your dads fault." Tony nodded. 'Am I gay though? That's not the problem at hand Tony, where are we going to stay?' "Hey- earth to Tony." Bruce grumbled. "Can you stay at Rhodeys?"

"Yeah." He said, saying goodbye to Bruce and walking off. On the way there he saw Steve sitting on a park bench and sat down. "Hey."

"Hey Tony, What are you doing out?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I asked first."

"Fine. I'm just going for a walk and I saw you." He lied with a shrug

"Oh. I'm just waiting for someone in that store." And with that they continued to talk, Tony mostly zoned out and barely listening to Steve stories. He didn't even notice when Steve said bye and left, Tony simply sitting there. 'What if I'm gay for Steve?' He wondered to himself. 'No, he's not that good looking and he's perfect for Bucky.' He reasoned, getting up to keep walking. He got to Rhodes house, flopping down on the couch.

Rhodey came in with a can of Coke in his hand, giving it to Tony, who chugged it immediately. "What's happening now?"

"My dad saw me and Bruce working and thought I was gay so he threw me out and then I sat with Steve and questioned if I was gay and I don't know if I am but I'm not gay for Steve so." He said quickly, his face flushing slightly

"Alright dude, lets talk." Rhodey sat down, starting to talk to Tony.

They turned on a movie after a few hours, Tony satisfied to know he was Bisexual. They watched their favorite movies, catching up and basically just talking the whole time. Rhodey passed out before Tony did, Tony unable to even close his eyes. He got up and walked around the house.

"So I don't have a home anymore, now what? I don't have a lab, I don't have money." He was sitting in front of a window, talking to himself. It seemed like he hadn't had any peace like this in years, which, isn't surprising. He just sat there and talked to himself all night, not really able to do anything but that. It was around 5 am when he decided he needed to see someone. He pulled out his Stark phone. "Friday, call Natasha."

"Tony this better be important if your waking me up at 5 am!"

"Sorry Sorry. So uh, can you meet me in front of the school in 30 minutes? I promise it won't be long, you can even-"

"Alright stop, slow your roll, I'll be there, but I fully expect doughnuts. Got it lover boy?"

"Yeah I got it. See you then Nat." He hung up, sneaking past Rhodey and going to the doughnut store

A/N: sorry for the shorter chapter, I just couldn't think of anything to do that this point but it's fineeee

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