Saying Goodbye (redone)

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Tony had slept about a hour last night. He was laying on his bed and just staring up at the ceiling silently. When his alarm went off at 8, he stood up, silently starting to take his boxes to the plane. When his stuff was in, he turned and left, going to Central Park where she saw Natasha and Clint laying on benches. "Hey guys-" He rasped out. His throat was dry and he hadn't spoke since his dad.

"Tony you sound awful. Hydrate." Natasha chucked a water bottle at him, which he caught and happily started to drink. They sat there quietly until everyone arrived, Steve carrying a box. He gave a weak smile to his friends, reluctantly reaching out as Steve handed him the box.

"It's from all of us." He lifted the lid, it falling open to reveal photos all around the outside of the box, in the middle was a keychain with a symbols for each of their superheroes on it. He gazed at it, before around at his friends, the people he was abandoning.

"Thank you." He blinked back tears, smiling at them. He watched as they all held up a keychain with a small version of the Ironman helmet on it, along with the symbol they had created for the avengers.

"Well, the avengers will always be together." Tony nodded, grunting slightly as everyone crushed around him for a group hug. They stood into the group for a long time, before they finally broke away.

"Well, since this is our last few hours together, I say, tag-" Steve tapped Thor, before sprinting off like a child. The group erupted in chaos, everyone shooting off in different directions. Tony hid behind a tree, knowing he couldn't outrun everyone. He avoided everyone, no one even realizing he was missing until Natasha spotted him and yelled.

"Tony hasn't been it yet!"

"Shit!" Tony took off running, the group sprinting behind him. He got knocked down, Everyone piling on top of him. "I hate you guys."

"Love you too Tony." He glared fondly at his friends. They all got up, Tony looking down at his watch.

"I Uh- have to go." He frowned, feeling the urge to cry make its way back into his mind. Natasha nodded.

"We're coming with you." He was hesitant, but nodded and started to walk off with his friends. They walked silently, Tony was holding hands with Stephen. They got up to the tower, Tony moving his hand in fear of his dad. He looked back at them.

"I just wanted to say thank you again for these past two months. When I thought I didn't have a family, you guys gave me one. I will forever owe you for everything you guys have done for me, and I really don't want to say goodbye."

"Tony, its not goodbye, it's see you later." Rhodey stepped forward, crushing his friend in a hug. Everyone was crying, although they all ignored the tears on their cheeks.

"See you later then." Tony turned around, walking into the tower. He walked to the elevator, composing himself as he sat there waiting. He stepped out, seeing the empty upstairs. He was about to walk out to the plane, when his dad called his name from the kitchen. He was carrying three boxes, his dad struggling slightly.

"Help me unpack."


"Didn't I tell you? The deal fell through, we're staying." Tony felt his heart leap into his throat, his jaw dropped as happiness rushed into his veins.

"Oh that's- I'll be right back." He sprinted to the elevator, rapidly slamming on the button as if it would make it go faster. He sped out of the tower when the doors opened, slamming into his friends who were still standing outside.


"I'm not leaving! I'm not! The deal is off! I don't have to go!" He panted, clinging onto Rhodey.

"Told you it was see you later." Rhodey mumbled with a smug grin. They gathered in a group hug. Tony broke away after a moment.

"I have to go unpack a bit- I promise I'll see you guys in a minute." He dashed back inside, heading back upstairs. He grabbed some boxes, bringing them to his room. He hung up the pictures his friends had given him, gazing at his room. "Perfect, like I never left." He smiled to
Himself, before running out again. He met his friends on the sidewalk. "Well come on losers, we have a cafe with our name on it." He headed down the street, everyone following him. He joined hands with his boy- Stephen, and hummed to himself.

"So, I say we skip tomorrow, catch up." Natasha suggested

"Nat That has never gone well for us." Clint sighed.

"So?" Tony shook his head at the two, Everyone starting to bicker quietly. They got to the cafe, half of them sitting on the tops of the booth like normal. Tony sipped at his coffee, looking down and around at the people he thought he was leaving a few hours before.

In this moment, nothing felt more perfect.


He watched his son dash off again, silently carrying his boxes to his room. Everything had been so hard for him since Tony's mother had died, and he took it out on Tony most of the time. He stood in the hallway silently for a long moment, before curiosity took off and he made his way to Tony's room. He looked at all the pictures on the wall and noticed one thing they all had in common.

Tony looked- happy.

He never looked happy when he was at home, but with this odd group of individuals, he seemed to be overjoyed. He looked at the one photo of Tony holding hands with another boy, it made his anger flare for a moment, but the flare died as soon as he say the look on Tonys face. He loved the boy. As Howard scanned over the other photos, he noticed the same face. He loved these people.

Howard didn't believe in Love, not after Maria died. But, after seeing how happy and in love he was with the people he had made friends with in the short time they lived there, Howard decided,

Maybe love wasn't so bad.

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