'The Avengers' expand

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This day was already bad, Tony could tell. As he slid out of bed, he heard a loud smash downstairs. "Great." He sighed, knowing his bag was in the living room. "Guess I'm not bringing my notebooks today." He got ready in a flurry, opening his window and abandoning his room, not wanting to even see his dad. His dad had been drinking a lot recently, and Tony was getting the blunt end of it. He rushed to the bus, running on and sitting with Nat like the day before. "Hey Nat."

"Hi Tony, why does it look like you sprinted here?"

"I did."


"I needed to exercise" He lied, not wanting to tell her about what's going on at home.

"Alright sure." She looked away, changing the playlist she was listening to as they fell silent, the only ones not talking on the bus.

Kids poured off the bus, Tony tripping as he walked down the stairs slightly slower Then the kid behind him. He slammed into the pavement, wincing in pain.

"Hey man are you ok?" A boy with white hair and a thick accent asked, reaching out a hand for him to use to get up. Tony gladly accepted his help, wiping off his clothes.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Your bleeding." A girl with red hair like Natasha's but longer hummed, reaching out and wiping it off. They looked different, but it was clear they were twins. He had heard of them, they were referred to as the Maxamoff twins. He didn't know their actual names though. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Wanda."

"W-What?" He sputtered

"Oh, she can read minds. I'm Pietro." The boy said.

"Uh so what's your-"

He sped off, coming back a second later. "That."

"Woah." He smiled, these people were cool.

A boy floated down next to them, a yellow gem shining in his forehead. "Hello Wanda, Pietro, who is your friend?" He asked politely

"I'm Tony, you are?"

"You can call me Vision." He said, reaching out to shake his hand. Tony looked over the three, Wanda was very pretty, Pietro in good shape like most of the boys in this school. Vision clearly wasn't human, but seemed to look like one.

"Would you like to meet my friends?" He asked, glancing over at where the seven were sitting.

"We would love to." Wanda smile, her accent thick. He lead them over, Pietro already complaining about having to walk and not zoom.

"Who are your friends Tony?"

"This is Wanda, Pietro, and Vision." They all nodded or smiled when their name was said.

"Tony your bleeding." Steve got up with worry in his eyes, wiping it with his t-shirt. Tony caught Bucky's jealous glare in the background and felt bad.

"I'm fine." He said, pushing him back and sitting down. They started talking with the new kids, introducing them to their 'cult' and deciding to expand The Avengers. Apparently the name was growing on Nat.

By lunch time the three were fitting in perfectly. Turns out Vision was literally a robot, which was cool to most people. He noticed how close Wanda was to Vision 90% of the time and committed that to memory.

"Hey have you guys seen someone named Tony Stark around?" A very familiar voice asked. He turned, seeing his old best friend standing there next to another guy.

"Rhodes!" He jumped up, hugging the guy.

"Hey Tones it's been a long time." He smiled, letting go of him and holding him by his shoulders. Tony felt tears welling in his eyes, his best friend, someone he moved away from 5 years ago, was standing here! In flesh! He couldn't believe it! "Hey, lets go talk somewhere." He said quietly, Tony realizing he was indeed crying.

"Wait- who are you?" Tony pointed to the other boy.

"I'm Sam, one of Steve's friends." He nodded to him and walked over to sit with Steve and Bucky. Tony felt a arm on his back pushing him out and he started walking. As soon as they cleared the hall Tony stopped, turning to his friend.

"You're here! Why are you here!" He shouted

"Tones calm down." He chuckled, sitting. his practically bionic legs made noise as he did so and Tony immediately was hit by memories.

He could still see them standing next to each other, having the time of their lives

He could still hear the creaking nose when the bridge started to break

The sound of Rhodeys yell and people's screams as the bride came down.

Tony remembered looking down as he watched his friend fall, he barely caught onto something.

He remembers hearing that Rhodey was in the hospital and alive and crying for hours.

He remembered his dad calling him a pussy for crying and starting to pack so they could move again.

When he came out of his thoughts he was leaning against the wall, tears streaming down his face as he shook so bad he could hardly move.

"Severe anxiety attack." A muffled voice said

"From what?" That one was clearer, but he couldn't tell who it was

"From what I can see something about you falling." The voices were getting clearer, it was Wanda.

"Tony, Tones, listen to me, I'm here, I didn't die." Rhodey interrupted his troubles.

"No- no you fell-" Tony breathed, struggling to keep his breath.

"Yeah, and I lived Tony, I'm ok." He promised. Tony finally started to come to his senses, taking a long, deep breath.

"There we go, You're ok." Steve said.

"Tony I suggest you go to the nurse and probably go home."

"No- no I cant go home." He mumbled.

"What was that?" Steve asked

"Nothing, I'll go to the nurse." He got up, Rhodey stopping him.

"Your dad?" He whispered, Tony nodding. Rhodey silently handed him a key. Tony looked down at it, feeling bad now 'I can't just throw myself on him-' he thought, knowing Rhodey wouldn't let him say no. He clutched the key and walked to the clinic

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