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Tony was still talking to Nat outside school when everyone started to show up. First it was Clint and Bruce, then Sam, Steve and Bucky.

"Why are you guys here so early?" Clint asked Nat.

"No clue, something about a new material for my weapons." She lied simply.

"Why did you come so early for that?"

"We didn't, we got here 15 minutes ago." Tony lied, knowing they got there at 4:30 and it was 8:30.

"Alright whatever." They looked over as Pietro sped up with Wanda in his arms, Vision floating slowly behind.

"Dude stop showing off." Sam said bitterly.

"You're just jealous-"

"Don't you say it."

Steve hovered near his ear and said 'on your left'

"I hate you!" Sam walked off.

"Wow hostile." Bucky grunted

"You're one to talk buck." Steve shrugged lightly.

"Did we miss anything?" Pietro asked.

"No not really. We're still waiting for the Asgardians and then we can go." Nat said just as they strolled up.

"Hey Lokes what's up?" Tony asked, he only got a frown in reply. 'That's weird' he looked over at Thor. "What'd you do?"

"Oh well he went to stab me this morning like normal but I was smart so I dodged it and stabbed him instead, he thinks he failed at life."

"Thor you stabbed him!" Bruce gasped

He shrugged. "It's like getting a paper cut, don't come unglued." He smiled at the boy, patting him on the back and walking inside with the others.

"I can't believe him!" Bruce gasped, Tony laughing and pushing his mouth closed.

"That's because you aren't a god." He said lightly, walking inside and sitting in class quietly. He didn't pay attention, looking at the blueprints from the day before. He was exhausted, his brain barely functioning as he tried to keep one ear on the teacher and his brain on his prints, it wasn't working. He sighed heavily, just happy for the bell to ring. It was their free period and went to their normal meeting spot, sitting with everyone.

"Tony what's wrong?" Steve asked.

"Nothing." He snapped simply, tugging up his hood.

"Nothing? Really are you sure?" He walked over, grabbing Tony's chin and raising him to look into his eyes. "what's wrong."

Tony pushed Steve back, standing up. "I said nothing Rogers! What don't you understand?" He snapped.

"Tony you don't have to get mad." Steve took a step forward.

"You don't have to worry about me like I'm some sort of child! I can take care of myself!"

"I'm sorry that I actually care about you're arrogant ass!"

"I didn't ask you to care." Tony spat, venom in his voice.

"What's going on here?" Bucky walked over, standing close to Steve.

"I'm trying to help this moron but apparently he can't see when someone's trying to be nice!"

"If you would stay in your own business then I wouldn't have to tell you to stay out of my life!"

"Don't talk to him like that Stark!"

"I'll talk to him however I want! None of you are the boss of me!" Tony was now standing opposite of Steve on the picnic table, Bucky standing on the seat part.

"You don't have to be rude all the time Tony!"

"He's not!" Natasha came over, standing up for him immediately.

"How are you even friends with him? He's annoying and can't keep his damn mouth shut. He's unbearable, no wonder nobody likes him." Steve spat. 'Ok, that hurt' Tony took a step forward, pushing Steve by the chest, the boy stumbling and almost falling.

"Don't touch him!" Bucky growled, pushing Tony, Natasha barely catching him before he fell.

"Please stop fighting." Bruce mumbled, Thor grabbing his arm and Loki's, dragging them off silently.

The team continued to argue, split in half. On Steve and Buckys side was Wanda, Pietro, Sam, and Clint. On Tony's side was Nat, Vision, And Rhodey. They hadn't talked to each other all week, at lunch they split tables, leaving the Asgardians and Bruce alone at their old table. During free period one side never showed up, everyone just- stopped being friends. It's was painful for Tony at first, knowing he caused it, but then he realized what Steve and Bucky had really done and the pain was replaced by anger and spite. He avoided Steve constantly, occasionally accidentally spilling his drink or food on him. The next week rolled around and they were the talk of the school.

"I wish they would just leave us alone. We're not a boy band that broke up." Nat growled as another group of students could be heard whispering about them.

"I know Nat but this is high school after all." Tony reasoned.

"Are we just going to act like we never met the others?" Rhodey asked.

"Until we need them or can forgive them- yes." Nat said

"You seem awfully protective of him, do you like him? Cuz that's going to be painful to break to Clint." Rhodey joked

"No. And at this point our 'relationship' is the least of my problems." She hissed lightly.

"Fine I'll lay off." He said.

"Yes, please do." Tony grumbled lightly. They kept walking, as they entered class, they noticed a different setup. The desks were in pairs, everyone but the other group already paired up, the last few open for the only students late to come in, them. Tony muttered something, going and sitting by Steve, watching as Natasha, trying not to be excited, sat down next to Clint.

"Are you just going to scowl at your desk the whole class." Tony ignores Steve, getting to work and not saying a word. The class ticked by in what felt like forever. Tony tried so hard to keep any noises in, but ended up slamming his head on the desk.

"Tony are you ok?" Nat yelled over

"I'm fine Nat." He grunted, ignoring the muttering from both Steve and Bucky.

The rest of the school day went by in a breeze, Tony practically sprinting to Rhodey's house. He laid down in his room, pulling out his books and getting engrossed in the words, not stirring for the rest of the night, not much to Rhodey's surprise.

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