The end

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Few years after this reunion.

They all live happily together. Now Kong handles sales, account and marketing of the empire. Arthit handles Purchasing, production and overall operations. 

Kong and Arthit decided no child should go through what their son Mikon has gone through so they started schools and Hospitals under Misha foundation trust.

The hospital management is handled by May. From Kong's story how his teacher (sage) is used to go inside restricted tribal zone, May has set up panel of doctors to get in contact with all sages which has such accesses. With their (sages) help, this doctors enter in this restricted areas time to time and do check ups. Because of their joint effort they have saved some tribe's from life threatening diseases. Government has given May's hospital many award for their humanitarian work. Because of their joint effort now many tribes have start trusting outsiders.

The schools are managed by Prae as she has good experience in this field. This school has open door policy for any children who for any reason (whether it's financial or personal reason)  doesn't get admission in other schools. It is doing quite well. 

May and Prae decided to take things slowly. It worked out pretty well. Eventually they got married. When they decided to be parents, they talked about it with their family. Kong and Arthit happily agreed to donate their sperm. May decided to conceive. After few efforts May finally got pregnant. She gave birth to beautiful daughter. She and Prae is proud parent of this girl named Rose. They never bothered to ask doctor that whose sperm actually worked as the girls parents is May and Prae, end of discussion. Rose is quite playful and demanding being youngest in family. Family members believe she is just like Prae as she has extrovert nature.

Mikon is also doing well in his academics, Kong and Arthit never get tired of praising about Mikon in front of everyone typical mother thing.

Kong's parents and Arthit's parents are now looks more healthier. They spend their retired life with their two favorite grandchildren.

This family is one of the most powerful and humble family of country so no one dares to point a wrong figure towards their personal life or sexual orientation. This family also donates their time and money to spread awareness about LGBT community.

They all lived happily ever after like a big family or as some say it gamily.

It's not blood that always built great families.  Sometimes true love, bond, care and respect builds far greater relations and this family is unique example of it. Their story proves pure love is not about gender or desires, it's about with whom you are comfortable with, for whom you don't need to change your self and for whom you are ready to walk with till the end. When Love is true it can fight all obstacles. It's not just love, it's also their devotion for each other that have lead to this wonderful result. So Destiny helps those who help themselves is also true in this case. 


Writer's note: With this I end my story.. Hope you loved it.. Thank you for being with me through this journey... Do comment if you like my stories.. It will motivate me to write new stories.. Feel Free to suggest if you want me to write down story of your other favorite couples....

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