Chapter 1

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Kong's grandpa called Kong's father that he will be at their home next Sunday. He needs to discuss something. 

kong's grandpa is very strict orthodox man. Before establishing their family business he was in millitary. He is well respected and influencial person in whole country. He still holds majority of their family business shares.

Kong's father: Honey call Kong .. Ask him come to home at weekend..
 Kong's mother: Wow that's surprise .. It's usually you who stops me calling him ... Anyways it's been days i haven't see my boys...
Kong's father: sorry to disappoint but don't invite Arthit.. Dad is coming on Sunday.. I don't want to hear his lecture on Kong's relation 
Kong's mother panicked: What?? That old man.. Why is he coming?? I need to clean all this thing otherwise he won't spare me either...
Kong's father: I don't know .. He didn't mention reason.. I certainly can't ask that..
Kong's mother: And how long you think he will stay here?
Kong's father with sly smile: Well I don't know.. But feel free to ask him.. Here is my phone..
Kong's mother got irritated: How can you joke in such a serious thing..

She called Kong and asked him to come over without Arthit as grandpa is coming. 
Kong was always close to his grandpa. He has never seen his grandpa's strict nature like others did. Kong thought may be it's time for Arthit to meet my grandpa.

He told Arthit that I want you to meet my grandpa. Arthit nodded. 
Arthit and Kong reached Kong's home at Saturday evening in case Kong's parents need some help.

Kong's mother welcomed both of them and asked Arthit to seat on sofa. She asked Kong to come with her. Arthit felt bit awkward as Kong's mother never acted so formal with him even when she didn't know about their relation.

Kong's mother to Kong: Hey why did you bring Arthit? Your grandpa won't accept this thing.
Kong: Relax mom I will convience him.
then they both argued.

Kong's father thought it's useless to say anything to his son. He needs to talk with Arthit as he is more mature to understand this thing.
Kong's father to Arthit: So son how's your business going on?
Arthit can feel the awkard atmosphere so he replied: It's good.. 
Then he hold Kong's father's hand: Relax pa.. What is it? Why you and mom are being like this? Did we do something?

Kong's father: Nothing .. It's just..
He explained Arthit everything about Kong's grandfather.. Arthit got bit frigthned by the stories of old man's nature he heard from everyone. So agreed to play as per Kong's parents wish.

Arthit to Kong: Hey love.. I think it's better not to show our relation to your grandpa..
Kong: But why?
Arthit knew kong quite well so he thought he should give good excuse other wise Kong would not agree..
Arthit: Because he is old. May be he won't have seen relation like ours. You told me you are his favorite grandchild among all your cousins. So he must have some dreams for you. Our relation might broke his dreams and affect his health.

Kongpob didn't want to play friends again but it was question of Grandpa's health, so he agreed.
Arthit gave this news to Kong's parents. They finally got bit relaxed and thanked Arthit for handing their stubborn child.

It's Sunday morning. Grandpa arrived home. Everyone greeted him well. Kong's father introduced Arthit as Kong's best friend to Kong's grandfather.  From attire to style Arthit can see that this old man infact looks like strict man. Though by looking his conversation with Kong they looked quite close.

Kong's grandpa: My dear Kong.. You looks amazingly handsome man.. You must have many girls in your life... 
Kong looked at Arthit annoyingly.. He just doesn't want to play this friends game..
Kong: None grandpa..
grandpa: You young man.. Arthit.. he is shy.. you tell me about his love life..
Kong slyly smiled.. by seeing that Arthit thought let's create trouble for this little smile
Arthit: Sir indeed Kong is famous among girls. Many had already proposed him...
Kong by stopping him: No he is joking.. I don't want to marry you know...
Grandpa laughed: You still same.. Don't worry I will find best bride for you..
Kong to change topic: So what you wanted to talk about?? 
Grandpa: As you know I am getting old so I thought to stay with you guys for sometime. I have also called your cousin to come. But seems like he is late as always.
Kong: Wow Grandpa.. It's so nice you are not here just for a day/ two like last time.

Kong's mom looked angrily at Kong's father. Kong's father was making puppy eyes to make her calm.

Kong's grandpa: I think you are doing quite well with our company. So thought may be it's right time to transfer my shares in your name.
Everyone was shocked.
Kong: It's not needed grandpa.
Kong's grandpa: I have already decided it son. I can't handle this reponsibilities with my detrioting health.

Kong's cousin came out of nowhere. He was so jealous of hearing this business news. He wanted to ruin it and by seeing Arthit their he got idea on how to do so.
Kong's cousin: Hi Grandpa. Sorry for coming late. Oh hi Arthit you are also here. If I knew Kong's boyfriend is allowed in family gathering, I would have bring my girlfriend with me.
Kong's grandfather to Kong's cousin: What boyfriend? Are you out of your mind
Kong's cousin: Oh I am sorry Kong. I didn't know granpa is not aware of your relation.
Kong: I am sorry. I wanted to tell you this but I thought this news would affect your health so I didn't say it.
Grandpa: It's okay son.

By seeing grandpa this calm everyone was shocked.. Did grandpa really changed???

Grandpa: Arthit can I talk with you in private? Kong I hope you won't mind that.
Kong nodded.

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