Chapter 12

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In morning Prae reached Arthit's home instead of going to office. She was waiting for May's car outside gate. 
Prae: Where is she? Arthit sir already left half hour ago and there is still no sign of her. Lazy spoiled girl..

She noticed May coming out of door and going towards her car. As May's car came out of gate she stand in the way of car. May suddenly pushed break and shouted are you mad or what?

Prae just run and opened passenger door and sat next to May.
May: What? What are you doing? Why are you still here?
Prae just hugged her tightly and then in sweet voice she said in May's ear: Just drive I have very good news for your family.
May got so embarrassed and confused by this. She was blushing and didn't know what to react so she just drive. 

When they were quire far from house Prae told May to stop car. As May stopped, Prae told her everything about Mikon and Kongpob. 

May started crying after hearing it. Prae hugged her to calm her down.
May: I am so happy after all these painful years it's finally happening.
Prae wiped May's tears and kissed her forehead.
May just froze in a moment..
Prae with laugh: See now your tears are stopped.
May: What's wrong with you crazy girl.
Prae just laughed louder.
May: I think I should call Arthit to inform him about Mikon and Kong.
Prae: No wait.. I have a plan in mind.. I want give them a surprise and I need your help in it. Don't reveal anything yet.
May nodded.. She explained her plan.


In evening she left for her hometown. 

She called Kong to take 2 day off from office and also not send the boy to school. When
Kong asked why? She said she will explain everything once she comes back

Next day instead of going school she went to Kong's house to meet him.
After reaching Prae knocked Kong's door.

Kong welcomed her in house. Prae told the boy to play outside as she needs to talk with his father. Mikon went outside.
Now Kong got really worried: What is it Prae?
Prae just slapped Kong.
Kong was surprised and just keep staring at Prae.
Prae: You selfish fool.. how can you left your parents like this?
Kongpob: How do you know about that?
Prae: Do you know your parents went through hell after you left them..
Kong started crying.
Prae: Ok ok stop crying. sorry for slapping you.
Kong: No i deserve it. I deceived my parents because I can't bear my pain and guilt.
Cont crying...
Prae: Stop crying and listen to me.
Kong wiped tears and nodded.
Prae: after you left your company also suffered a lot. It was even declared as bankrupt. Then a gentle man came in your parents life. He not only saved your family business, he is also taking care of your parents.
Kong surprised after hearing this.
Kong asked: Do you know who he is?
Prae Lied: I don't know him but I have arranged your meeting with him.
Kongpob: No I can't meet him.
Prae: Well it's too late to say no as I have also arranged another meeting at same place same time for you. That's with Mikon's father
Kongpob: Mikon???
Prae: Yes that's Atid's real name.
Kongpob with big eyes: You found out about his family.
Prae with smile: Yes. So now you have to come at meeting place if you want Mikon to meet his father.
Kongpob was confuse but for Atid he is willing to anything so he nodded..

Prae than called May to play her part.
May went to Arthit's room.
Arthit: Hi May, do you need something?
May: No, you have already given me everything Arthit. Actually, I am here to give something to you.
Arthit: There is no need. I haven't done any such thing. 
May: Well I have something which will bring your smile back.
Arthit annoyingly with fake smile: What are you saying? See I am smiling.
May: Not fake smile, I am talking about real one.
Arthit: ok I give up. Tell me what is it.
May: I have found Mikon..
That last word really bring life into Arthit's lifeless body. Tears of happiness came out of his eyes.
Arthit: Please take me to him. I want to see him. How is he? How he looks? Does he attend school? Is he in good health? He must be over 5 by now.
May: Calm down. He is fine. A gentleman is taking care of him for all this years. He loves Mikon like he is his son and yes he goes to school. In fact he is very bright student. I haven't seen him yet.

Arthit: What are we waiting for? Please take me to him.
May: Tomorrow I have arranged your meeting with this gentleman. Mikon will also come with you.

Arthit: Don't tell Ma or Pa about it until we see him by ourselves. I don't want to give them any false hope.
May nodded.

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