Chapter 7

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One day Arthit heard in radio that final insolvency procedure of Kong's company has started.. Kong's parents image certainly popped up in his mind... he can actually relate to Kong's parents pain.. He felt his pain is nothing in compared to this old couple who loss their adult son.. and now they have to go through this procedures which will break their self esteem.

He decided to do whatever he can to help them.. He went to meet Kong's father.. On the way he thought he need to come up with some idea so Kong's parents actually decides to fight back and what is better than using Kong's name in this idea..

Arthit: Pa You can't give up like this on your hard work and fortune.. This company is everything you have.. It was Kong's dream to make this company truly global company .. You can't let his dream get destroyed like this..
Kong's father: I know son.. But I am old now.. I can't do it by my own.. Will you help??
Arthit agreed..
Kong's father: Do whatever you feel right to do.. You have all my support.. I am ready to transfer my shares to you if required..
Kong's mother: You can take my shares as well.. We trust you son. You will keep our son's dream alive..

Arthit fought legal battle.. took over company.. He asked six months time from creditors to turn around the company...For funds he has to sold his American property and company.. His parents and Kong's parents supported him in every step. They sold their family houses and properties to have enough funds..

Arthit worked hard day and night.. Kong's father had very good relation with workers.. So workers agree to do free overtime and help in any way to turn this company around... Knot and May also helped Arthit in getting some clients using their networks. They also provided free service to Arthit whenever they get time so Arthit doesn't need to pay extra for professional help. Few of Kong's friends also came to help Arthit in whatever way they can so that he can turn around this company. Kong's cousin came to Arthit.. He apologized to Arthit and Kong's parents for everything. It was his jealous act for Kong that started all this and also it was he who destroyed this company being incapable CEO. They forgive him. He also decided to help Arthit.

After few months there efforts started showing results. Company is now back on its foot. 


It's been 3 years since crash. Now the company is no.1 in it field in whole country with many branches and global operations. Arthit looks little slim but still handsome. His employees loves him as he understand there problems and is always ready to help them. He mastered act of hiding his pain under fake smile and work load.

Arthit, his parents, Kong's parents and May lives together in big bungalow. Before one and half year ago Knot died. On that day Arthit decided to stay close to his loved ones. He asked Kong's parents to come live with him so he can keep an eye on their health. He also asked May to stay with them. At first May didn't agree, but Arthit insisted a lot. So she finally agreed. May has become very important part of Arthit's life like a sister. So he didn't want May to go through pain (of losing her partner) alone.

He just doesn't have any more capacity to loose one more person. His Daytime goes in doing company work, at evening he spend time with family members to make sure they feel happy. Like a good son he also make sure that they have every thing they need. He keeps big smile on face when he is with them. As he go back to his room he cries his heart out. He is still waiting for his wife and son. He haven't given up his hopes yet. Some portion of his heart also waiting for his first love Kong. He is now afraid to getting close to anyone as he believes that if he ever gets very close to anyone they will end up being hurt (first Kong and then Misha). All of his family members knows that Arthit is just showing them fake smile, he is way too depressed from inside. Time to time they tries to talk this through with Arthit, But Arthit is not ready to accept the fact that it wasn't his fault. So Arthit just avoids any such conversation by diverting topic. Now even family members stopped talking about it as it is not helping and it's actually hurting Arthit even more.

On the other side Mikon is now four and half year old. He stay with Sage and his student. This student of Sage is no one else but Kong. Kong ascetic life made him look fresh and pure. It's like his growing age is not affecting his looks. Since they don't know anything about child (including his name), they just call him Atid. This name was Kong's idea.

Sage: Kong Where is Atid?
Kong: He might be at riverside. You know how playful he has become now a days.
Sage: Well you pamper him too much. I don't know how would i have handled his tears and silence. He seems at ease with you. Because of you he forgot his pain and started acting normal.
Kong with smile: I also like him. Somehow I feel contacted to him.
Sage: I need to discuss something with you.
Kong: What is it teacher? Are you not feeling well..
Sage: It's about kid. I believe time has come. Kid is now old enough to travel with you. He also trusts you so it would be easy. You should travel with him to find out his family. They must be waiting for him or grieving. 
Kong understood but he was bit upset by thought of leaving sage alone.
Sage: Why you look sad? Don't you want him to meet his family.
Kong:  It's not that. I am afraid to leave you alone. I was lost case when you find me. I have given up on my life.  You showed me right path. I have found happiness under your assistance.
Sage: I am happy that I was able to help you. Right now he needs you more than me.
Kong: I understand.

Then Kong and Atid left Sage house to start their journey.


Writer's note: I hope you liked my story so far.. Do comment if you want me to continue writing.. I am busy for few days but will try my best to update quickly..

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