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Derek's shoulders slumped when he saw Erica across the room, her lips locked with Boyd's.

"Those two make a great couple," Stiles commented, following Derek's line of sight.

"Yeah, I was her ride, so I can't leave while she's...busy," Derek sighed.

"Leave?" Stiles frowned, "But you just got here."

Derek gave Stiles a sympathetic look. "I'm no good at parties. I only came cause you asked me to."

Stiles gave a shy smile. "Come on, let me get another drink and we can go outside where it's quiet."

Derek wanted to protest but the hopeful look in Stiles' eyes made him give in. "Yeah, alright," He nodded.

Stiles lit up before grabbing Derek's wrist and dragging him to the table where the punch was.

Derek glanced around for Isaac, wondering if he could get him to give Erica a ride. Staying here really wasn't something he wanted to do. He would appease Stiles for a few minutes and then make his get away.

"Alright, come on, out back," Stiles had a now full cup of punch and was pulling Derek through the crowd.

Derek felt relief wash over him when they stepped into the quiet of the back patio. They were alone.

"You didn't have to come if you didn't want to," Stiles said as he took a seat in one of the chairs.

"I didn't want to disappoint you," Derek shrugged.

"I don't think there's anything you can do that would disappoint me, except maybe dating Jackson," Stiles laughed screwing up his face.

Derek liked tipsy Stiles; he was less guarded.

"What's with the smirk?" Stiles asked, tilting his head slightly.

"You're just cute," Derek shrugged, turning his eyes to his barely touched drink in his hands. He didn't see the blush that filled Stiles' cheeks.

"So how many cups of punch is it gonna take to get you to tell me who you picked over Danny?"

Derek breathed out a soft laugh, "You're relentless, aren't you?"

"Come on who could possibly outrank Danny?"

Derek cringed slightly.

"Other than you, anyway," Stiles waved a dismissive hand.

"What?" Derek frowned up at Stiles.

"Oh come on, like you don't know how hot you are," Stiles rolled his eyes.

"The outranking has just as much to do with personality as it does looks," Derek smirked at the compliment.

"Okay, you still outrank Danny," Stiles shrugged before taking a large sip of his drink.

Derek frowned. "How can I outrank him in both? You're crazy about him." He hated talking about Danny with Stiles but the things Stiles was saying gave Derek hope that maybe one day Stiles might see him the way he saw Stiles.

"Nah," Stiles flailed a hand, "He's hot but he's kind of an ass. I mean look at who his best friend is."

Derek tilted his head slightly, "So are you saying you would date me over Danny?"

"Anyone in their right mind would," Stiles answered.

"I not asking just anyone."

Stiles snapped his towards Derek, "Wait, are you asking if I like you?"

Derek felt his stomach knot, he could just ask. But would Stiles tell him? How many more cups of punch did he need to admit it if he did?

"I was just wondering who you would choose if both Danny and I asked," Derek shrugged, he took a sip of his drink to make himself look more nonchalant. He wasn't good at this.

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