Onto Something

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Stiles had been dreading Monday but nearly as much as Derek. He had text Stiles to apologize but decided it was best to do it in person. It was more meaningful that way. However, when Derek got to School Stiles was surrounded by his friends.

He doubted there would be a time when he wasn't, so it was now or never.

Derek marched towards Stiles with a confidence that only he knew to be false.

"Stiles, you got a minute?"

Stiles tensed before turning towards Derek. He looked like he was about to refuse when Scott nudged him forward.

"Sure," He conceded with a sigh.

Derek lead him away. The halls were still fairly empty this early, it looked like they both had the idea of getting there early, though Derek guessed Stiles was just trying to avoid Derek.

"I want to apologize. I shouldn't-"

"Stop," Stiles held up a hand. "We both like the same guy, it's not a big deal, but don't pretend like he'd pick me over you, it's insulting."

Derek frowned. "I'd pick you."

It was Stiles turn to frown.

"I mean..." Derek cleared his throat. "You know if...if I...if I..."

"Stiles, Derek, perfect. I need to talk to both of you," Danny was suddenly beside them. A hand landing on each of their shoulders.

Stiles and Derek both tensed in a way that made Danny take notice.

"Coach wants to hold the pep rally meeting after basketball practice this afternoon. He wanted me to spread the word."

Stiles' shoulders slumped, that meant he had to stay after school.

"Okay," Derek answered easily. It was easy not to be flustered around Danny seeing as he didn't actually like the guy.

"Oh by the way nice arms, you bulked up while in New York," Danny gave Derek a wide grin.

Stiles wished the floor would swallow him.

"And Stiles, I pulled a few strings for you and got Jackson and coach to agree to let you do goal for the first game," Danny winked.

Now it was Derek's turn to want to be swallowed by the floor.

"Alright see you guys later," He gave them each a squeeze on the shoulder before heading back down the hall.

Stiles shot a glare at Derek, "You were saying?" he snapped.

Derek grabbed Stiles' arm before he could walk off.

"Look, I meant what I said, I won't date him. But if you want to-"

"Don't do that," Stiles cut in.

"Do what?"

"Treat me like a charity case. If he wants to date either of us it's gonna be you. Don't pull yourself out of the race for my benefit. And If you aren't gonna date him out of some weird respect for me how can you expect me to? I'm an asshole but come on."

"No, that's not what this is..." Derek huffed. He knew coming clean would be the best way, but he just couldn't let Stiles know.

"Look, I get that our sisters are friends, but that doesn't mean we have to be. I'm used to not getting the guy. In this case both guys," Stiles mumbled the last but to himself, but Derek caught it.


"I'm saying, date the guy, trust me he's probably worth it." With that Stiles walked off leaving a confused Derek behind.

"That looked like it didn't go well," Isaac walked up then, looking sympathetic.

"I don't know what to do," Derek groaned.

"Date someone else," Erica offered with a shrug. "It takes Danny off the table so Stiles can date him."

"I don't want Stiles to date him. I want Stiles to date me," Derek threw up his hands in exasperation.

"Then you need to tell him that cause he thinks you want to date Danny."

"Thank you, Erica, you've been so helpful," Derek rolled his eyes.

Truth was he knew she was right. He just didn't know how to tell Stiles and he was obviously into Danny and not him. There was enough tension there already without adding anymore.


"What he want?" Cora asked when Stiles returned, far too interested in her brother's drama.

"To apologize and once again give me permission to date Danny all while assuring me he wouldn't."

"Are we sure he actually likes Danny? I mean, no offense but Derek's kind of a disaster when he likes someone. He barely acknowledged Danny a moment ago. And he's awfully adamant about him not dating Danny. If me and someone else I know is into the same person, there's no way I'd back down," Paige shrugged.

"So what, he lied?" Stiles frowned, that didn't seem likely.

"So who is it really then?" Scott piped in next.

"Maybe it's Stiles?" Allison offered.

Cora was watching her brother with curious eyes, "Hmmm, you might be onto something there."

"What? You're kidding right?" Stiles scoffed at the idea.

"No, Paige is right, my brother is a disaster around his crush's. He dumped an entire glass of ice water on your lap. He ran into Jen cause he was distracted by someone else. You were there," Cora looked to Stiles with a smirk.

"I think you guys are looking way too much into things," Stiles shook his head.

"There's only one way to find out," Cora grinned mischievously.

"What are you gonna do? Ask him?" Stiles rolled his eyes.

"Like he'd tell us. The only way to know for sure is get him alone with both of you. Whoever he falls over himself around is the winner."

"Or Stiles could ask him out," Paige smiled innocently at her brother.

Stiles shot her a murderous glare.

"Wait, I know that look," Cora glanced between the twins.

"Do you...do you have a crush on my brother?" Cora lit up.

Stiles groaned, "Paige I'm gonna kill you."

"I didn't say anything," She threw his hands up as if in surrender.

"Oh my god, how long?" Cora smacked Stiles arm playfully.

"Look, he's...gorgeous, okay? I just...I'm sure it'll pass," Stiles huffed.

"We could be siblings," Cora grinned at the twins.

"Cora, no, please, you have to promise me you won't tell him," Stiles grabbed Cora's arm in a desperate plea.

"Fine, but as soon as I find out if he feels the same way, I'm making it happen," Cora pointed a warning finger at Stiles.

That seemed fair. He'd love for Derek to return his feelings, he just knew it wasn't likely.

"Wait, so when he said he had a thing for Danny..."

Stiles groaned, "Yes, the two guys I like, like each other."

"Oof," Cora put a comforting hand on Stiles' shoulder. "Don't worry, I think Paige was onto something."

Stiles secretly hoped he was right, but the chances that Derek Hale had a thing for him were... slim to none. He was sure he'd have a better shot at getting with Jackson and that was never gonna happen.

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