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Derek was standing outside hoping to see Cora and Stiles on their way out. He hadn't told Erica and Boyd that's why he'd had them meet there. They were currently waiting on Isaac. That was the thing about moving back to Beacon Hills he already had friends here. The only difference was Boyd and Erica were finally dating.

Derek's posture straightened when he spotted his sister and Stiles coming straight towards him.

"Hey, Derek. Paige wanted me to tell you to meet her in front of the library after tryouts," Stiles said with a shy smile, his caramel brown eyes meeting Derek's.

"Thanks," Derek flashed his best smile.

"Good luck," Stiles gave a small wave before following Cora down the sidewalk.

"Thanks," Derek said again, giving a wave himself.

"Uh, what was that?" Erica asked looking between Derek and the pair walking away from them.

"What?" Derek tried to look as innocent as possible.

"You're so into Stiles," Erica teased pocking Derek's cheek.

"Am not," Derek objected. He knew Erica and she would tease him mercilessly if he admitted it.

"Uh huh," Erica rolled her eyes.

"Wait why is Stiles riding with Cora?" Boyd frowned as the pair climbed into Derek's Camaro.

"Stiles and I traded rides. Cora is giving him a ride and I'm riding with Paige," Derek answered looking towards his car enviously.

"Ooh maybe he has a thing for both Stilinski twins," Erica cooed with a laugh.

"Shut up," Derek rolled his eyes though he was sure his cheeks were tinted red from the obvious blush.

"Wow that's denial if I've ever heard it."

"They grew up hot, okay?" Derek gave a shrug. He was thankful with Isaac walked up then.

"Hey guys," The cinnamon haired guy smiled as he approached.

"Good we can go," Erica looped her arm through Isaac and Boyd's. "Good luck at tryouts, Derek," she flashed a wide smile before dragging the other two away.

Derek let out a huff before heading for the gym. He knew being late wouldn't earn any brownie points from Coach Finstock.


Stiles climbed into the sleek black Camaro, his heart still racing. He'd spoken directly to Derek and he hadn't sounded like an idiot this time.

"Today went better than expected. I was worried you and Paige had gotten lame on me," Cora winked as she started the engine. It purred to life effortlessly.

"I can't believe you didn't call and let us know," Stiles said leaning back in his seat. It was luxurious compared to his old jeep, not that he didn't love his jeep, but it was no sports car.

"I'm pretty sure mom called your dad," Cora frowned. She was sure she'd heard them talking just the other day.

"Well it's good to have you back," Stiles grinned over at Cora. He had always been closer with Scott growing up and Paige with Cora but the four had been pretty good friends. They all balanced each other out in ways. Scott was down for anything and though slightly airheaded at times he was a kind person. Paige was protective, sassy, book smart and always gave the best advice. Cora was the one with all the best ideas. She was a great listener though following her advice wasn't always the best thing to do. she was the trouble maker, which made her and Stiles quite the pair. Stiles was was smart in a logical way. He was sarcastic but loyal. They just worked together.


Derek ran a hand through his damp hair before pushing open the door of the gym. He made his way toward the library where he was set to meet Paige. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. It wasn't like he hadn't talked to Paige a hundred times before, but that was years ago and they were just kids then, now, well he had eyes and she was gorgeous now.

When he rounded the corner, he saw her sat on the floor outside the library door with her nose shoved in a book. Her long hair cascaded in a waterfall of chestnut down one side, while it remained tucked neatly behind her other ear.

Upon hearing his footsteps, she looked up, the same caramel brown eyes Stiles had, met his. She grinned, a small dimple digging into her left cheek.

"There you are," She pushed herself off the floor, tucking her book under her arm.

"Thanks for waiting, I thought you'd appreciate a shower before sitting in a car with me," Derek gave a nervous chuckle, shifting his bag on his shoulder.

"Avoiding close quarters with a smelly jock is worth the five minutes I had to wait," Paige laughed in response.

Derek grabbed her bag from the floor before she could, "Lead the way," He gestured down the hall. There was one thing he'd learned growing up with an older sister. Flattering the siblings was never a bad idea. And he knew how close Stiles and Paige were. Not that he was trying to use Paige to get to Stiles but if she helped earn him some brownie points well, that was just smart.

"Honestly, I'm just glad I didn't have to hear Stiles complain about waiting. We should definitely make this a habit," Paige said, starting down the hall.

"Yeah, absolutely," Derek agreed eagerly.

"Course if Stiles makes the Lacrosse team again, maybe I can catch a ride with you guys if I don't have practice," She tossed a hopeful look at Derek.

"Uh, yeah, of course. I uh, I didn't know Stiles played Lacrosse?" Derek couldn't imagine the clumsy kid he knew playing such a tough sport.

"Yeah, he's not the best, but he made the team last year, and he spent all summer practicing with Scott. They're determined to get first line this year. Though I doubt that will happen," She laughed lightly.

Derek grinned. The thought of Stiles hot and sweaty on the lacrosse field was something Derek wouldn't mind seeing. Maybe he could convince Boyd or Isaac to join Lacrosse so he had a reason to go to the games.

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