Hang out

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To say that Derek was jealous to find out that Cora was staying at Stiles' place for dinner was an understatement. He knew he had no reason to be jealous, Stiles and Cora were friends. However, things could change, it had been five years since they'd seen each other, and Stiles wasn't the dorky kid he was then. Derek had certainly noticed how attractive the Stilinski's got; he was sure Cora had as well.

"What's wrong, Derek?" His mother asked when he slumped in his seat at the table.

"Nothing," Derek gave a forced smile. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to his mother about his newfound attraction to Stiles Stilinski.

"Well, how was your first day back in Beacon Hills?" Talia pressed gently.

"It was fine. Erica, Boyd and Isaac are still the same," Derek gave a disinterested shrug.

"And how did basketball tryouts go? You didn't tell me you were planning on playing again," Talia beamed at her son. She had always gone to his games and been very supportive of his hobbies.

"I'll find out tomorrow if I made the team."

"I'm sure you did," Talia gave Derek's shoulder a gentle pat as she walked by.

"Where's Cora?" Laura asked, walking in then. She was the oldest of the Hale siblings and also the closest to Derek.

"She's at the Stilinski's," Derek answered with a pout he hoped would go unnoticed. It's not like he meant to sulk, but he'd seen the way Stiles was with his sister today.

"I'm not surprised," She laughed, taking a seat across from Derek.

"Why?" Derek frowned.

"She always spent so much time there before, I wouldn't expect that to be any different this time," She shrugged.

Derek sighed. She was right, it was probably just habit for her and had nothing to do with her and Stiles.

"How are they anyway? I've been meaning to call Jennifer and catch up," Laura asked, reaching for an apple from the fruit bowl between them.

"Good. Same old Stilinski's. Though they look...older," Derek chose his words carefully. "Jennifer is the librarian and substitute teacher, so I saw her today too."

"Oh, that's awesome. I'll definitely have to catch up. Us three should do dinner with them sometime."

Derek's eyes lit up at the idea. "That's a great idea, maybe this weekend?"

Laura gave her brother a curious look. Derek hadn't been friends with them. Jen and Laura had been friends and Cora had been friends with the twins, but Derek was in between and tended to stick to his own group of friends.

"I didn't expect you'd be for that idea."

"Well I can't very well let Stiles be the only guy there, that wouldn't be fair," Derek gave a shrug, trying to play it off as innocent.

"Alright, I'll call Jen later and see about picking a time. I'll let you know what we decide," Laura said, still giving her brother a curious look.

"Sounds good. Well I should get started on my homework," Derek stood then. He knew if he kept talking, Laura would figure out his motives and he couldn't have that.


"Stiles, Paige, you two busy?" Jennifer called up the stairs.

"No," They chorused from Stiles' room. They were currently spread across Stiles' bed doing homework. Paige was doing their math homework, while Stiles was finishing their history assignment.

"I just got off the phone with Laura, she wants to get us all together for dinner this weekend," The oldest Stilinski was suddenly in their doorway holding up her cell phone.

"Us all?" Paige frowned, looking up from her word problem. "Like Derek too?"

"Yeah," Jennifer nodded.

"He never used to hang out with us before," Stiles' felt his heart race at the prospect of Derek being there.

"Well he agreed to it. We're going out Friday night."

"Okay," Paige agreed easily.

Stiles remained unmoving as Jennifer disappeared down the hall, "What did you do?" He asked his sister, accusingly.

"What do you mean?" Paige asked, turning back to her homework.

"I mean, what did you say to make Derek want to hang out with us?"

"Nothing, maybe I just wooed him with my awesome personality," Paige winked at her brother who only rolled his eyes.

He wouldn't deny he was excited Derek would be hanging out with them, however the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach told him it was for Paige and not him. Maybe he was into her? They had spent time together alone this afternoon. Stiles would have been more jealous if he wasn't convinced Paige was pining over Heather McCreary. A clarinet player from her band class and a fellow student they'd been going to school with since kindergarten. She was a quiet blonde and had always been super sweet. However, at the end of last school year, Paige had suddenly noticed Heather in such a way that made Stiles suspicious. Paige denied any feelings of course, but Stiles knew his sister and she was definitely into Heather.

"Do you think Derek's hot?" Stiles blurted then. He had to be sure his sister wasn't going to go for the middle Hale. Stiles would never deny his sister anything, especially not a relationship, but it would hurt like hell.

"What?" Paige laughed, setting her pencil down.

"Do you think Derek's hot? I mean he looks so much older now and he grew facial hair...it's weird right?" Stiles swallowed. He couldn't let Paige know he was crushing on Derek Hale. She would tease him mercilessly.

"I mean, yeah, he is kinda hot," Paige shrugged.

"But not as hot as Heather?" Stiles grinned.

"Shut up," Paige threw a highlighter at her brother.

Stiles laughed as he dodged the bright pink pen.

"Do you think he's hot?" Paige asked then, turning back to her paper.

"Obviously, I have eyes. I was just thinking that maybe he's into you and that's why he agreed to hang out with us Friday," Stiles gave an innocent shrug.

Paige frowned as if contemplating the idea, "I hope not, that's only gonna make it awkward."

"So you're not into him?" Stiles pressed.

"No way," Paige shook her head, her brown hair falling in her face.

Relief washed over Stiles. Well even if Derek was into Paige, at least she wasn't into him. Stiles could live with that. Sure it sucked but it was better than them dating. Either way he was excited for Friday.

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