Anyone with eyes

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Erica watched as Derek paced her bedroom floor. He was a wreck. His hair was in disarray from where he'd been tugging at it all afternoon. His armpits had sweat stains and his jeans were stained in a stale yellow from where he, in a failed attempt to catch up with Stiles at lunch, ran into someone's left over hotdog that happened to be covered in mustard. All in all, Derek's day had gone to shit.

"I'm gonna need you to tell him," Erica was all for having fun watching Derek squirm over his feelings and embarrassing himself, but this was too far.

"He likely won't even talk to me right now," Derek's hand had found it's way back into his hair again.

"Don't you have his number? Text him."

"I can't just text him about something like this. He thinks I'm fucking his best friend."

"Wow, okay, first of all, no one thinks that. Anyone with eyes can see McCall is head over heels for Allison. And I don't think I've even ever seen you two talk," Erica rolled her eyes as she sifted through her closet.

"Maybe I shouldn't go tonight," Derek hummed thoughtfully.

"You're going, but not like that," Erica gestured to his stained attire.

"You're the one who insisted we stop here first," Derek gestured to Erica's messy bedroom.

"We both know that if left to your own devices you wouldn't show up or you'd show up in a tuxedo which is way overkill."

"That was like seven years ago and it was formal dance," Derek crossed his arms defensively.

"For like thirteen-year-olds," Erica laughed. "Let me just grab my makeup bag and we can go."

It was a rule of Erica's that Derek not be allowed to get ready for parties on his own after that incident. She would get her stuff and get ready at Derek's. Derek would be lying if he said he wasn't glad to have Erica as a friend. She could be brutal and tormenting but she was a great friend.


Stiles sniffed at the fancy looking snack tray with a sneer.

"They're quiches, I dunno, Lydia made them," Allison spoke nervously, smoothing down her dress for the umpteenth time.

"Why are you so nervous for?" Stiles asked, his eyes lighting up at the plate of pizza rolls on the other end of the table.

"What if no one shows," Allison answered. It was still ten minutes after the party was set to start and only a handful of people were there.

"No one shows up to a party early unless you're a close friend, it's just the facts. Relax," Stiles assured her.

She nodded, shooting him a grateful smile.

"Stiles, look who just walked in," Scott nudged his best friends side and gestured to where Erica had her arm looped through Derek's, practically dragging him inside.

Stiles couldn't help but light up at the sight of him.

"I'll be right back," Stiles grabbed a cup of punch and headed for Derek.

"Look, here he comes," Erica spoke through a smile, her grip on Derek's arm tightening so he couldn't bale.

Derek tensed. He couldn't read the expression on Stiles' face. Was he mad? He had two drinks in hand, was he going to throw one in Derek's face?

"So you and Scott huh?" Stiles winked, a smile spreading across his lips as he approached.

Derek's tension melted away at the sight of his smile. He didn't appear to be mad.

"I'm gonna go say hi to the birthday girl," Erica gave Derek's arm a reassuring squeeze before stepping by the pair.

"I got you a drink," Stiles held out one of the cups.

"You know it's not true, right?" Derek blurted, taking the cup.

"Of course it's not, anyone with eyes knows that Scott and Allison are together," Stiles laughed, gesturing to where his best friend was indeed clung to the brunett's side.

"I don't know why he said that," Derek dropped his eyes to his drink.

"Because you didn't date Danny. He though he could get you back that way," Stiles shrugged.

"I'm glad you aren't mad," Derek gave a shy smile.

"Why would I be mad? Even if you were into Scott, it's not my business," Stiles pointed out taking a sip of his punch.

"Well you just seemed unhappy at the idea back when it came up," Derek shrugged.

"Of course I was, you're stunning and of course you'd go for Scott, they always go for Scott," Stiles took another gulp of punch.

Derek's brows raised. "So you were jealous?" Hope threaded through him as he waited for Stiles to answer.

"Of Scott? Only sometimes. Like Allison is gorgeous and he got her. A few years back he got to make out with Lydia when she was pissed at Jackson. I was pretty jealous of that."

"And you would be jealous if I liked Scott?" Derek wondered just how many cups of punch Stiles had had. They were spiked pretty heavily.

"I mean...I would be just cause he always gets the person he wants but...I dunno, I like what we've got going on," Stiles shrugged again, downing the last of his drink.

"What is that exactly? That we have going on?"

Stiles seemed to pause at that. "I dunno, I guess we're sort of friends, right? I mean we've spent a lot of time together. And you know how I break into the cafeteria. There's really no going back from that."

Derek laughed. For a brief moment he considered telling Stiles how he felt.

"Derek, hey, got a second?" Danny's voice pulled Derek from where he'd been staring at Stiles without realizing it.

"Danny," Derek was surprised to see him there.

"I just want to apologize for Jackson, he can be...temperamental and protective," Danny offered a small smile.

Stiles snorted, "That's an understatement."

"I do have to ask though, who is it? I mean, I really thought I had a shot," Danny looked genuinely curious.

Derek swallowed.

"It's me," Stiles whispered loudly, giving an exaggerated wink.

Danny only laughed, "Alright, fine, keep your secrets. I just hope they know how lucky they are to have your attention."

"That's what I said," Stiles slapped Danny's arm gently.

Danny turned a smile to Stiles, "You did good at practice today by the way, oh and maybe lay off the punch, Lydia tends to make it strong." With that Danny turned and headed off into the growing crowd.

"What if it was you," Derek said, looking at Stiles.

"What if what was me?" Stiles frowned.

Derek's eyes dropped to Stiles' mouth. He could kiss him. That would get the point across without him having to physically say it.

"You're not drinking much, don't you like it?" Stiles gestured to Derek's cup, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Oh, uh, no, it's good, I'm just...distracted I guess," Derek smiled slightly.

"Yeah, Danny has that effect. You should see him in the locker room. Oof, he always wears his towel way too low. I swear he does it on purpose."

Derek tensed then. Right. Danny. Stiles was into Danny. Not him. He scanned the room for Erica. He was ready to leave. This was a mistake. One he was sure he wouldn't live through.

Okay guys, one more chapter!
Also, I should have the new story up in a day or two.😊

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