I spent the rest of the drive to Quantico trying to figure out what I was supposed to tell my dad. There was no way I could tell him the truth. I would be in trouble for even thinking about Henry like that.

Ultimately I decided that there was no good way for this to end. If I lied about it he would know. He always did. So I ended up deciding that getting in some trouble is better then getting in trouble over Henry. Therefore, I was going to get in trouble for not doing my homework and not paying attention in math class.

As I walked in with him I rehearsed what I was going to say in my head. We got in the elevator and and he called the school.

"Hi this is Spencer Reid I'm calling to excuse my daughter,"


"Emily," he paused for a moment and looked at me.

"She's feeling a little under the weather today," we walked out of the elevator as it reached our stop.

"Thank you, have a nice day," He hung up and we walked through the doors. Hotch raised his eyebrows at me, obviously wondering why I was here. I just looked to the ground, knowing I would be in trouble in just a few moments time.

After sitting at dads desk with him I could feel the question rising.

"So, what's going on?" He asked me after a few minutes.

"I... ummm.... I kinda didn't do my homework," I said and looked at the ground for a moment.

"And...?" He asked, I looked up at him, he was staring back expectantly.

"I have a math Quiz today and I didn't pay attention,"

"Em, you know you can't do that right?" I nodded slowly, feeling a few tears slip from my eyes as the disappointment from his voice soaked in.

"Okay well, I want you working on schoolwork until we leave tonight, I don't care if that means I have to make up problems for you, you will stay busy," I nodded.

"Give me your phone," I handed it to him, "remember if you need help I'm right here,"

"Thank you," I mumbled and got to work.

On the bright side, that went far better then expected. On the other hand, this was going to be a long day.


A very very long time later everyone came in after school. My dad was out talking with people about something and so Henry came and sat by me. Great.

"Where were you?" He asked. I simply pointed to the chair that I haven't left in hours, not looking up.

"I need to talk to you, can you like take a bathroom break or something?" He asked. I sighed. Eventually I'm going to have to face it. I stood and walked with him to the bathrooms.

He stopped in the middle of the hall.

"Em, look I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time, I really really like you. Will you please go out on a date with me?" He asked nervously. My heart skipped many beats. I couldn't believe after all this I was the one he had been talking about.

"Oh my goodness, I'm in trouble for no reason!" I said, slightly frustrated with myself.


"Henry I've really liked you for a long time too, I skipped school and got myself in trouble with my dad because I couldn't stand seeing you with someone else! Of course I'll..."

He cut me off by kissing me. For a few seconds it was like the whole world stopped turning. For the first time in awhile, I felt like everything was going to be okay. Maybe the world has its way of working things out. Before much longer he pulled away.

"Henry..." I mumbled, looking into his blue eyes. He just nodded, it was clear we both felt the same way.

"You guys do know she has access to all the security cameras right?" Uncle Morgan said with a grin on his face, Garcia following behind him. We both turned red and started to panic.

"Look I... we," I tried to find an excuse only to look up and see that they were both holding their fingers on their lips.

"Very romantic kid," Uncle Morgan teased Henry. I grinned at them, knowing, or at least hoping that our secret was safe with them. Then again this is Garcia we're talking about. Realising where I was supposed to be, and that Uncle Morgan wasn't in the conference room anymore, I ran back to my dads desk before I could get in any more trouble.

"All that you are is all that I'll ever need."
Ed Sheeran

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