Line Without A Hook

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to go somewhere?" Henry asked me.

"Sure!" I responded. Henry and Jack could drive so technically we all could leave for lunch everyday but we never ended up going unless it was just a couple of us.

"How's McDonald's sound?" He asked me.


"That sounds like a yes," he laughed.

"Obviously," I joked, motioning towards my shoes.


We sat at the table just talking, sharing some fries and chicken nuggets.

"We probably have to head back in a few minutes," Henry told me, causing a frown to spread across my face, all I want is to stay here and talk to him.

"Ugh... school is literally the worst!" I whined.

"At least we all have classes together," he said.

"That's true," I agreed, school by myself would be without a doubt 1000 times worse, "One day we all need to come here and play in the playground," I said looking over towards the systems of tubes and slides.

"That sounds awesome but you do know how gross it is in there right?" He questioned laughing at my childish request.

"Henry... Spencer Reid is my father. I wasn't even allowed within 100 feet of one of those as a kid," I said seriously. We stared at each other for a few seconds and then just started laughing.

"You know what..." Henry started, stopping in the middle just to tease me.


"You've never been in one?" He asked.

"Nope." I responded, popping the p.

"That ends today! Come on!" He said grabbing my arm and dragging me into the play area.

"Henry!" I laughed "Don't we have to get back to class?" I questioned him pausing for a moment.

"I guess," he said looking me in the eye, "but... that is entirely up to you..." he trailed off.

"You don't mean...?" I looked at him, Henry had never been as serious about school as I was but then again with my dad I didn't have much of a choice. However, he was still never the type to cut class.

"How do we get away with it?" I asked him slightly tempted by the idea.

"Would Reese rat you out?"

"No, not if I told her not to,"

"Then according to my calculations lunch is now an hour longer," he turned and ran up the tube. I immediately chased after him.


~Reese's POV~

Halfway through class when Em and Henry still hadn't shown up yet I leaned over to Michael,

"Where are they?"

"I don't know, should we text our parents?"

"I don't know... maybe let's wait a little longer?"

"Reese do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" Our English teacher Mr. Martin asked. All eyes turned to me.

"Ummm no, I'm sorry for interrupting." I responded.

"Don't let it happen again," he finished and looked back down at the book we were reading. My face turned bright red as I looked over at Jack who was making talking signals with his hands.

"Whatever," I mumbled and went back to reading my book.


We went to Math which was our last hour of the day and Em and Henry were in there already. I marched up to them.

"Where were you?" I said slightly angry considering they ditched us for two hours without telling us anything about where they were. Em looked to the ground.

"We were just messing around for a bit," Henry answered, acting like nothing was wrong.

"For lunch, English, and Forensics?" I demanded.

"Yeah...." Henry Trailed off.

"Next time at least message us before you ditch school. We were worried something bad happened," Jack said.

"Did you text dad?" Em asked urgently.

"No but we were about to." I said coldly before sitting down in my seat.

~Em's POV~

How could I be so stupid? I knew I shouldn't have left class... plus they're right. With our parents line of work we really shouldn't have left without saying anything... I just hope my dad doesn't find out. He would kill me, not only did I skip class but I did it to play in McDonald's with Henry. Not to mention this is my dad we're talking about. We get grounded if we have a B.

I put my head in my hands and just sat there, spaced out. Then I heard the bell... great... time to go to Quantico.

"Smile. Breathe. And go slowly."
Thich Nhat Hanh

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