If I can't save Myself At least I can Save them Ch.2

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His arm quickly flew through the air and stuck my face. You could hear the loud smack his hand made. Soon after the first hit he hit me again and again. I was on the floor trying not to cry or scream so I wouldn't scare my sisters.

"This is all your fault we are getting a divorce!" My father yelled as he gripped my arm very tight as he roughly pulled me off the kitchen floor. After he pulled me off the floor he pushed me very hard with the hand that was letting go of my arm. I was pushed back into the living room but I grabbed the arm of the recliner so I wouldn't fall.

"If you never told you mother this would have never happened!" My father screamed as he grabbed my black t-shirt with one hand and punched me in the face with the other. It is true I did tell my mother that I saw dad with another woman about ten years younger than her and looked like a skank. But mom did catch him having sex with the same skank and they were fighting a lot so it wasn't really my fault.

Finally he threw me down on the floor and looked at me with disgust before walking to his room. I never really liked my father he wasn't the nicest and he anger issues but he was a lot better before the divorce and the drinking. I remember the first time he came home and started hitting, mom went to work late shift again and it was the night after she told us that her and dad were getting a divorce. Dad came home an hour late and drunk. He hit us all including poor little May luckily she got hit the least and I made sure that neither her nor Faith got hurt a lot. From that night I always made sure they were safely locked up in some ones room.

I slowly got off the floor my body sore. I took some aspirin right away like always before going to May's room. I knocked on the door softly so they know it was me. I heard the click of the door unlocking before Faith opened the door.

She looked worried and shaken by my face that was probably already getting swollen were he hit me. She kept staring at my face.

"Faith you staring at my face won't make it hurt any less or have it go away." I said to her as I walked into May's room to see poor May in a corner hugging her teddy bear, Lily in fear.

I walked up to May and sat in front of her. Faith quietly shut and locked the door again as I sat down.

"May sweetie it's over." I said to her softly.

She looked up from her brown teddy bear and looked at me with scared eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asked in her little girl voice.

"I'm fine sweetie." I said to her with a reassuring smile.

"What about your face?" She asked pointing at my face.

"Don't worry sweetie it looks worse then it hurts." I told her even though that was a complete lie it hurt terribly and so did my arm. Hopefully the aspirin would start working soon.

"Are you sure?" She asked her dark blue eyes full of worry.

"I'm positive." I said to her. She smiled and gave me a big hug, still holding on to Lilly by the paw.

As I pulled away I spoke to both of them. "Now neither of you can tell mom, okay?" I said looking from Faith to May.

"Why?' May asked

"Because we don't want to worry mommy she has a lot to worry about already. Okay?' I said to her. She nodded.

I got up and was about to go do my homework and tell May to go to bed when May spoke.

"Cember." She said using my nickname.

"Yes?" I responding turning around to see her standing still holding the brown bear with a little pink bow on its head by the paw.

"Is it ever going to stop?" She asked softly with worry and fear in her eyes.

I got down to my knees and grabbed her free hand. "It will stop soon, I promise." I said to her. She smiled and hugged me.

From the side of the room I saw Faith looking at me with her gray eyes asking 'are you sure?'. No, I'm not sure.

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