jungkook eyes widen and he looked over at taehyung "n-no don't mean it! love taehyungie! but jus' don't wanna go" he furrowed his eyebrows. "there's not much i can do bubs, sorry"


now they were in the parking lot, waiting for jungkook to calm down. he was crying and whining.

"please jungkook, don't make this hard on me. i'm sure the orthodontist is going to be real quick" he reassured. the younger hummed and thought for a bit.

this couldn't go on forever....

"fine, but it better be" he said, getting out the car, slamming the passenger door shut. he stomped his way into the waiting room and sat down while taehyung went to go get some papers. "here, the lady at the front asked to sign somethings on here then they'll call you inside" he handed the boy the papers and a pen in following.

the younger sighed as he signed multiple papers making sure to read everything. he got up this time instead of taehyung and gave the handful of papers to the lady in the front desk.

"thank you, we'll be with you in a bit" she smiled, jungkook awkwardly smiled and went back to sitting with taehyung. "do you think they'll give me something for the pain?" jungkook asked, the older only shrugged and kept scrolling through his phone.

he groaned when the person in front of him was called.

"you're next" taehyung teased. "thank you that makes me feel a lot better" jungkook said sarcastically.

a couple minutes of anxiously waiting a small petite women called, "jeon jungkook?" she asked and looked up. jungkook stood up and walked over to her.

"hello! how are you?" she asked as she walked over to one of the six chairs.

"i-i'm fine, and you?" the younger asked politely. he lied big time. he wasn't doing fine, he was the opposite of fine right now he felt like he was going to have a full panic attack.

"i'm doing great, thank you. now, let's get you situated, if you could sit down right here while i go get a couple of things. meanwhile, would you like the pick a color for your elastic?" she asked and handed him a sheet of paper that had multiple colors of elastics that would go on his braces.

jungkook nodded as she handed the sheet to him. with that she left and left jungkook picking a color. of course he wasn't alone though, there was six more chairs with people in them getting braces, retainers, whatever. it was a huge room, making jungkook a little less nervous since there was also people going through the same thing.

before she could even come back he'd already picked a color.

"alright, sorry for the long wait. let's get started, yeah? i'm going to tilt you down first" she said. she tilted the chair down, and wasted no time in starting.

she made sure his teeth were all clean and dry and grabbed the syringe that had some glue. one by one she placed glue on each tooth and placed the bracket, then placed the uv light so it could dry quicker.

about twenty minutes later she had done all of his teeth with brackets on and now all he needed was the wire and the elastics.

"okay, you see this wire?" she asked as she showed his the long wire. of course jungkook could see it, what a weird question to ask, but he nodded anyway.

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