Danny did as he was told under a scrutinizing gaze coming from Sam. "What?"


"Tell me about the circuits," Tucker practically beamed as he bounced over to her. "I thought about how to regulate the electricity without overloading the wires, but I couldn't figure out how to use the panels without implementing a kill-switch as well."

"Gibberish alert!"

"Oh hush you barbarian," Tucker replied easily. He smiled as Hatsume laughed at his apparent joke before turning back to the workbench. As Hatsume started explaining her plan in barely-English to Tucker, Sam and Danny shared a glance before moving themselves to the hallway.

 As Hatsume started explaining her plan in barely-English to Tucker, Sam and Danny shared a glance before moving themselves to the hallway

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"What was that all about?"

"What was what about?" Sam shot back, crossing her arms and leaning against the window to look at the training fields. Midoriya was working hard with that new thing he had finally managed, and according to Danny, it would only be good for everyone. Bakugou was standing against the wall, yelling things. Maybe encouragement. Probably threats. She turned her eyes back to Danny, who was looking at her with those puppy-eyes and worried look. "I'm fine, sheesh," she said as she rolled her eyes and looked back outside.

"You seem mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you!" she burst and was quick to blush and cross her arms again, avoiding his stare. Huffing, she turned her head back again. "You seemed very comfortable with her handling you like that."

Danny blinked before breaking into a small smile. "You're jealous."


"So you're mad at Hatsume."


"Sam," Danny said, "she's just doing her job. And she's bad with social cues like Tucker said. I gotta say I'm not enjoying it either." At seeing Sam sigh, he continued, "Sam, would I ever betray you? Or Tucker?"

Sam sighed before looking away. "No..."

"Then what are you worried about?" he asked as he stepped closer, softly placing his hand on her shoulder. Danny smiled as she turned to look him in the eye. "I won't leave you and Tucker. You're my best friends, Sam. Do you really think Hatsume will change that?"

"It's not the best friend part I'm worried about."

"I'm too much of a coward to cheat on you."


"And even if I had the guts to go against you," he continued, "I wouldn't."

"Hey Lovebirds!" Tucker shouted as he slammed the door open, and the two didn't even bother to take a step away from each other, and instead nearly jumped into a combined battle stance. "Number one, Hatsume and I are done geeking over electricity, so it's safe to come back in, and number two, don't think I didn't see that!" He was quick to flee from their fields of vision and darted back into the workshop, where Hatsume was yelling at them to either get a room already or stop and get back in there to see what she had thought of.

"Let's go," Danny more asked than said, and waited for Sam to smile at him before stepping back into the workshop, and he was right behind her the moment Hatsume jumped up with an excited smile on her face.

"You won't believe what I have in mind for you!"

"Eh, me neither?" Sam intelligently replied as she was dragged across the room to a workbench out of earshot from the boys.

Tucker moved to stand beside Danny, and they both looked as Hatsume started laying out her plans to Sam. He contemplated his words for a few seconds before settling on, "Sam being paranoid over you two again?"

Danny sighed. "I don't know how to make it clear to her I won't abandon her, no matter what. Telling her directly helps, but after a while, she's back to doubting it again. I don't know what to do about it..."

"Dude," Tucker deadpanned, "you're so smitten even Bakugou can tell." He put his hand on his friend's shoulder and smiled at the two girls fawning over Sam's new outfit. "You're gonna be just fine."

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