Autumn: alright nekroz time!!!

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Autumn: alright nekroz time!!!

IF: bloody hell! What is that!

Autumn and the dragon shone and fused.
He was now seen in some kind of armor

He was now seen in some kind of armor

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Another loud roar was heard and another blur was seen beside him

Another loud roar was heard and another blur was seen beside him

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Autumn: good to see you again bud.

Brionac: *growl*

Autumn: lets go rio!


Now, a blue blur was seen that came from the waters.

Now, a blue blur was seen that came from the waters

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Navalgazer dragon: RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Rio: Let the tides rip through!!

Water surrounded him and when the water disappeared, a new look was placed on Rio

Water surrounded him and when the water disappeared, a new look was placed on Rio

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Demetrius: I am the blue storm marine general, DEMETRIUS!

Autumn: finally used it huh?

Demetrius: it has been a while hasn't it?

Neptune: uhhhh I did now know that...

Noire: amazing...

Autumn: alright brionac, lets show him who's boss

???: not...yet...

We turn to see cfw judge land in the battlefield full of bruises.

Borg: take this judge

He threw an anticrystal to judge

Neptune: WHAT?!?!


Vert: blanc, I need you to keep quiet on bad words.

Autumn: alright Rio, were taking judge down. Hey VERON!!!

Veron: yeah?

Autumn:...get him good...okay?

Veron: yeah!!

Veron: Access!!

Light enveloped him and when it died down, what we saw made us amazed.

Light enveloped him and when it died down, what we saw made us amazed

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Green brother: I wont let you rampage any longer borg!

Borg: finally, a challenger worthy of a fight. If its a fight you want, its a Fight you get!

They charged at each other

Vert: I hope you'll be okay...

Chapter end

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