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Natsu had nearly healed now , although the mental scarring was still engraved in his mind. He and Yuki had started to renovate the workhouse into a proper guild. He smiled as he decorated his office , Yuki was scouting the area for a place they could build a settlement so everyone would have a place to live close to the guild. Natsu took a step back to admire his office. Red and white walls , a black carpet and the ceiling had been painted to look like a night sky. His desk had a red lamp and a stack of papers and a stationary pot as well as a picture of him and happy and another picture he and Yuki had taken together with Happy and Pearl. He stretched and yawned before going to find Yuki. Happy flew him the forest until they spotted the familiar blur of pink and white. "Hi Natsu , you finished decorating?" He smiled. "Yep! You find a good spot to build the village?" He asked. Yuki beamed at him. "Glad you asked I have indeed found the perfect place. This large clearing is perfect , we are surrounded by forest to keep us protected , it's only a short walk away from the guild and we could put sentry posts in the trees and build a fence around the village if needed." Natsu hugged him. "Your amazing~ lets get building then." The two chopped down some of the trees to build the houses , which also made the clearing a bit bigger. If you looked at their small feminine statures you wouldn't believe the two young males were strong , but these two could carry tree trunks four times their size no problem so don't judge a book by its cover , or a dragon by its scales. Yuki started to nail the pieces of wood Natsu cut up into the ground and together slowly building the foundation of the first of many houses. The wooden cottage like living quarters where actually very warm and quaint. By mid afternoon they'd built 3 houses. They took their time making sure they were sturdy and safe. They sat under a tree in the shade drinking water and eating fish they'd cooked over a small fire as they took a break. Happy and pearl were happily munching their fresh , uncooked fishes. Natsu and Yuki we're leaning against each other trying not to doze off , they were worn out but they couldn't stop yet , they needed to complete the village in as little time as possible. Who knew when they'd next find someone In need of a family. The sun was high in the sky and beating down on them making them warm and sweaty combined with the chopping of wood and nailing pieces together as well as cementing the cracks. The tedious work mixed with the heat was taking a toll on them both even for Natsu who was a fire mage. The exceeds looked at their companions in worry. "Maybe you should call it a day Natsu? You and Yuki looked tired..."
Natsu shook his head. "No. I'm not stopping we could find someone who needs a home tomorrow and if we don't have houses they can live in we can't provide them with that. There's only a few rooms in there that we are converting into the infirmary. We need to get these houses built." He huffed affirmatively and stood up returning to work. Yuki Followed him with the same determination. By the time they had finished building the basic structures night had fallen. They still had to build the sentry posts the fence and refurbish the houses. But it was late and they were shattered so they headed back to the guild were they were staying temporarily. Yuki and pearl went to their room. Happy was about to fly to their room when Natsu stopped. "I'll catch up with you happy...I have something to do..." Happy watched nervously but gave in and went to bed. Natsu entered his office and sat in the red comfy chair. He grabbed a piece of parchment off the pile and a quill and started to write a letter , to those select few he still held dear to his heart...
*a few days later*

It took a total of five days to have the village properly running. Furnishing the houses , installing fresh running water , hot water , heating system and electric , setting up the 8ft fence around the village and creating the tree top sentry outposts. Natsu was currently sat on top of one reading. Yes reading. The guild had also been finished and they had a library that rivalled Fairytails archive. He was reading a book on the basics of running a guild. He was going to need it. They'd been taking jobs from locals in the neighbouring towns until they were properly registered to take jobs. He sighed looking over the rules he had to adhere to. There was a lot of them. Most of them were about following the magic council laws and managing money ect. He stretched and yawned getting down from the sentry perch and headed back to the guild. Yuki and pearl were out on a job but they should be back very soon. He poured himself a fire whisky. Happy curled on his lap and he petted his exceed companion happily. He let the warmth of the alcohol slide down his throat. He had a feeling he'd be needing a lot of alcohol if he was going to run a guild hall....
*in magnolia*
A small group of Fairytail wizards were gathered under a tree. They were waiting for something. Gageel was impatiently tapping his foot. "Where's small fry got to?" Levy shook her head at the height related nicknames. Suddenly Wendy ran towards them , tripped over and let out a squeak , before being helped up by Mira. "Sorry I'm late...i got lost..." Carla shook her head tutting. "That doesn't matter right now , why did you call us all here?" "I got a letter....from Natsu..." there was a collective gasp as Wendy held out the letter. She looked at group that consisted of Laxus , Master , levy , Gageel , Mira And Freed. "Well whats it say then half pint." Gageel huffed. Wendy started to read it out

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