Where am i ?

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Natsu whimpered. Pain. That was all he could feel. His body felt like it was being ripped apart then sewed back together over and over again. He slowly opened his eyes a fraction his head pounding. Bright lights glared in his eyes. He didn't recognise where he was. He wasn't in his house...or Lucy's...or the guild...or outside...where was he? He stated his question out loud without realising. "W-where am i...?" He didn't expect a voice to answer him. "In a safe house. It's in a secluded area deep in the forest. Far away from Fairytail." Suddenly everything came back to him and he gasped feeling angry tears well up in his eyes. "Fairytail....They..." he trailed off not wanting to relive those horrible events. "hey take it easy , You're in bad shape...by the way...your master wants you to know he never wanted this...he cares.." The pinkette looked at the snowy haired Male. "I know...I know not everyone was against me...I spared those who believed me..." the Male nodded. "Well my name is Yuki Keburo. I'm a snow and ice dragon slayer but just go by the term snow dragon slayer." "I'm Natsu....Natsu dragneel...fire dragon slayer..." Yuki giggled. "And a demon too. Man your so bad ass." Natsu raised an eyebrow. "I got my ass handed to me and you still think I'm bad ass?" Natsu questioned. He was more than a little surprised. Yuki nodded. "I think you're awesome." He said firmly to make his point. Natsu smiled and went to sit up. "Thanks...hnnn...ouch...damn that hurts" he hissed , pressing his plan against the largest wound that was causing him the most pain. "You suffered some pretty awful blows...take it easy. Your exceed is napping in the corner by the way." The white haired boy said pointing to a corner of the warehouse where Happy was curled in a ball on a pile of blankets and cushions , snoring peacefully. Natsu smiled weakly. "T-thank you..." he said , stuttering slightly from the pain. Yuki smiled standing up. "I'll make you some food. And get you some pain killers." "Why....why are u helping me...". Natsu asked. "Because...your like me...shunned by your family...lost hurt and afraid...framed...and were both omega dragon slayers...." Yuki replied. Natsu's eyes widened. "I've never met another omega slayer before." He whispered in awe. Yuki giggled. "Me neither." He walked to the stove and started cooking something. Natsu laid down his eyes closed trying to get comfortable. His body was so sore and he had no idea what it must look like. Honestly he didn't really want to imagine. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to block out the painful reminder of what his guild did to him. The people he thought of as family. But he couldn't stop the images that flirted through his mind. Their disgusted and disappointed faces all directed at him. The hurtful words and accusations they hurled at him. The sharp metal of Erza's swords piercing his skin , freezing shards of Gray's ice that were so cold they burned his skin. Elfman pummelling him with his beast soul takeover. Lucy striking him with her whip and then calling Loke to come after help. Natsu remembered the pained look on Loke's face. Like he didn't want to do it but had no choice. Countless other magic attacks were thrown at him but they blurred together as he was disoriented from the other attacks , everything after was just a painful blur of him waiting for his death , until Yuki , quite literally dropped down to save him. He took a shaky breath trying not to think about it.  He felt a small body curl up into his neck. "Natsu? Are u okay?" He smiled softly recognising Happy's voice. "Hey lil buddy...I'm good." He feebly lifted his hand stroking Happy's head. The exceed purred and snuggled up to his friend. Yuki smiled fondly as he made a stew. He thought they were an adorable pair. When the stew was done he ladled some into a bowl and filled a glass with water. Searching through the shelves he found some painkillers. Popping one out he walked over to Natsu and set the stuff down. "Hey you doing okay there?" Natsu opened an eye weakly. "M'sore..." Yuki looked at him sadly. "I've got something that might help." He handed him the pain killer and glass of water. "Natsu swallowed it struggling as his throat felt tight. He downed the water and leaned against the pillow panting heavily. Yuki watched him worriedly , the pinkette clearly had a fever presumably from his injuries getting infected. "I made you some stew" Yuki said as he helped Natsu sit up Natsu had a strained smile on his face. "T-thank...you..." Yuki handed it him. Natsu ate the stew slowly but only got through half of it. He was too weak and tired to even eat. This worried Yuki. "Get some rest...you should feel better tomorrow...." with that Yuki bid Natsu a good night. He retreated to his room and curled up into his own bed. A pretty pink exceed curled up in his arms. "Hey Pearl u miss me?" The exceed nodded snuggling into his chest. He smiled petting her before falling into a peaceful slumber.
This is Yuki and his exceed pearl:

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