Chapter 1

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Walking through the classroom door was nerve-wracking. Nobody knew I was coming back, I didn't feel like contacting my old friends and having to answer all their questions. But now I'm regretting that decision. Everybody seems to be looking at me

Just my luck that my car broke down and I had to walk the last miles to school. My plan was to be in class before anybody else. That way I could take my usual seat in the far back corner. But the universe had other plans for me.

I get that it's a surprise to see me back but it's not like I was that popular before I left so why is everybody suddenly so surprised to see me. Looking around I realise that all the seats are taken, except the front of the teacher's desk, the worst spot.

Luckily the attention is drawn away from me, because the teacher comes walking in. It's my old history teacher, Miss Edwards.

'Rune, good to see you! We're so glad to have you back,' she starts with a kind smile.

Miss Edwards is one of the nicest teachers I know. It also helps that she teaches my favourite subject History.

'Thanks, it's good to back,' I answer her politely. Inwardly I'm thinking the complete opposite though.

Quickly I sit down, hoping to get all the eyes off of me. I don't know if it helped, because I can't see anyone from the front of the class. That's why I hate this spot. I like being able to see everything around me.

'Okay, I want to start with...' Miss Edwards gets cut off by the class door opening with a bang. People around me start murmuring excitedly. Confused I look at the doorway. Standing in the doorway is a boy looking like he wants to be anywhere but here.


He has thick dark brown hair, almost black. It seems like he just woke up, because his hair is all over the place. It's nice though, not like all the guys with so much gel in their hair it's like a statue. He has full lips and a defined jaw. He's really good looking but there is something not quite right.

I don't know what it is. Looking at him I don't feel anything from him. I can't explain it, he just looks kind of lifeless.

With a blank look he stares at miss Edwards and his eyes look dull. It's like he is somewhere else with his thoughts.

'Mr. Harding, hi, sit down.' Realisation dawned on me that the only available seat is next to me.

Slowly the boy makes his way towards me, leaving the classroom door wide open. Even though he's looking at me, it feels as if he's looking right through me, like I'm invisible.

Once he's standing at his table, I'm able to look right into his eyes.

I realise why something felt off looking at him. It's his eyes. They look so empty.

Don't get me wrong, he has beautiful eyes. They are brown with a little bit of green in them. But when you look at them they don't have a spark.

Once he's seated Miss Edwards continues her monologue. I'm not listening though, because this Harding guy is staring at me. He doesn't seem to realise it though.

Slowly I feel myself going red.

'Uhm, hi I'm Rue,' I finally decide to say, breaking his intense staring.

His eyes focus on mine, finally getting him out of his daze. I expect him to introduce himself, but he doesn't. He just keeps looking at me with that blank expression.

Okay then. I turn back towards the front, trying to listen to Miss Edwards.

Luckily, mystery boy stops looking at me, instead turning his attention on his phone. He doesn't even try to hide it.

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