Fixing Far From Home Part Two

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"Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!" That stupid, stupid broadcast could be heard from every phone at Midtown High. Those five words that had ruined Peter's life forever. He was in fourth-hour world history class when the video went live. It only took minutes until there was a buzz of chatter in the room. Peter had no idea that his world was crashing down around him until Flash got a notification from the Spider-Man official update twitter account.

"What the fuck!" Flash shouted from across the room. "What the actual fuck, Penis! Tell me this isn't true! What kind of twisted prank is this?!"

"What are you talking about, Flash?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"THIS!" Flash raged as he shoved his phone in Peter's face. Peter could not believe his eyes. The video playing on Flash's phone was of none other than Mr. Becks, a.k.a. Mysterio, showing the world an edited video of Spider-Man, framing him for murder. But oh no, thanks to the infamous Peter Parker Luck, things were about to get a lot worse. And with those five words, Peter's heart stopped.

"What the fuck!" Peter screamed.

"That's what I said!" Flash retorted. "Please tell me it isn't true. I mean how could Penis Parker be the Spider-Man!"

Peter's face was pale as a ghost, and his breathing became labored and irrational. This could not be happening. Not only was his secret identity revealed, but he was also being framed for murder!

Flash was saying something to him, but Peter was too lost in his thoughts to notice. Peter was snapped back into reality by the bell signaling the end of the class rang, and students began filing into the halls.

But if Peter thought the bell meant escaping, he was in for a rude awakening. The moment the small boy stepped foot in the hallway, he was instantly swarmed by other students. They circled around him, crowding him, pushing him, suffocating him. Peter couldn't breathe. He was drowning.

"Is it true?"

"Are you really Spider-Man?"

"Did you kill Mysterio?"

"How are you Spider-Man?"

"You're a murderer!"



"You're a freak!"

"You should be locked up."

"You should be killed for what you did!"

"STOP IT!" Peter screamed. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Peter pushed through the crowd, desperate to escape this living hell. He tripped and stumbled his way outside and fell on the ground, too drained of energy to get up. He sat on the cold, damp grass crying and trying desperately to breathe.

Maybe this was just some twisted nightmare. Sure, he's had some pretty bad nightmares before, but none of them are this realistic. This was the worst kind of nightmare, the kind that isn't a dream, the kind he couldn't wake up from, the kind of nightmare he had to live with for the rest of his miserable life. There was no escaping this. 

Peter didn't even he was having a panic attack until he heard the familiar voice of his dad trying to calm him down. Tony's usual rough and assertive tone was replaced with soft and caring words of encouragement.

"Hey, buddy, you need to breath. Come on, Peter, breath with me. In... and out... Just like that. Good, good. You're doing so good kiddie. Come on, deep breaths. That's it, there you go."

As soon as Peter could breathe again, he sprang into his father's arms, wanting so desperately to just melt away into his warm embrace. All it took was one touch from his dad, and he wasn't drowning anymore.

They sat there for who knows how long, Tony cradling Peter as the kid sobbed his heart out into his dad's AC/DC t-shirt that had Tony's signature scent of cologne and motor oil.

"Come on, kiddo, let's go home," Tony whispers into Peter's ear.


"I am Spider-Man," Peter announces with all the courage he can muster.  Tony had scheduled a press conference to clean up the mess Mysterio had created.  "And as long as we're spilling all the tea here, I might as well tell you guys that Tony Stark is my dad.  He and Pepper adopted me three years ago."  

The crowd arrupted into a frenzy of questions and flashes from the camera nearly blinded the already frightened teenager.

"What happened in London?" a blonde-haired reporter asked from across the conference room.

"Its a really long story, but to put it simply, Mysterio was a bad guy and I stopped him.  He had gained control over some STARK technology to create his illusions, thats how he edited the video of me."

"Alright, that will be all for now," The billionaire concluded, deciding his kid had enough for one day.  

"You did amazing, kiddie," Tony praised his son as he wrapped an arm around the boy and pulled him closer.  "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad.  You're the best."

"I know," Tony smirked. 

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