Tony Finds Out

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Technically Part 3 of Peter Goes to OSCORP but I'm too lazy to call it that. 

It had been a couple of weeks since the incident in the alley.  After that incident, Peter knew that the spider bite had changed him more than his dad or Bruce knew.  He could suddenly lift objects that no average person ever could, he had become extremely agile and flexible, his 'spidey-senses,' as he liked to call them helped him out of difficult situations, and he could hear everything in a two-mile radius.

Peter had been practicing and perfecting his newfound abilities and decided he was ready to make a difference in his city.  New York had become a criminal hotspot in recent years, and the police could not keep up.  The Avengers only handled the most dangerous criminals and didn't have time to worry about the smaller low lives. 

Peter knew how cruel the streets of New York could be and just wanted to help others who were just as unfortunate.  It had just started with Peter assisting old ladies in crossing the street and helping cats out of trees, but it soon escalated into something much more.  Peter had soon upgraded to stopping muggings, robberies, and even murders.  The police, as well as the people of New York City, were skeptical of this mysterious vigilante. 

Peter had made himself a suit to mask his identity and called his superhero persona "Spider-Man." 

Peter knew that being a superhero was going to be difficult, but he had no idea just how strenuous it would become.  Being a teenager was stressful enough without the additional responsibilities and demands that came along with being a superhero. 

Not to mention how often Peter was injured.  His injuries often healed within a day or two depending on the severity of the wound and were at most an inconvenience.  Peter knew that if he asked for help from his dad, he could heal his injuries at nearly twice the rate they did on their own but Peter did NOT want Tony to find out that he was Spider-Man.

Although his dad was the IronMan himself, Peter could not find the courage to tell his dad.  There were many reasons why Peter kept his identity a secret.  The biggest one being he didn't want to make Tony worry and give him more anxiety than he already had.  The other reason being that Peter was scared that Tony would make him stop and take away the one thing that made Peter great.

Flash forward a couple of months and hiding his secret identity from his father became more and more difficult.  Tony had noticed how Peter was never home anymore and when he was, he acted differently.  When Peter returned home, he would rush to his bedroom not even bothering to greet Tony or Pepper, which was extremely uncharacteristic of the usually outgoing teen.


It had been an especially hard day for Peter.  He had barely slept at all after staying out late on patrol the night before.  School was the same old same old, listening to teachers tell him things he already knew or didn't need to.  And Peter's day wasn't complete until Flash insulted, degraded, or harassed Peter.  Peter's only relief was putting on the suit and pretending to be someone great and who is admired by others.  Patrol offered little to no aid in helping Peter's bad day. However, he had stopped five robberies, twelve muggings, and got caught in the middle of an all-out gang war. 

Peter practically had to drag himself back to the tower; the only thing keeping him from falling asleep in the middle of the street was the promise of his warm and cozy bed.  He swung from roof to roof until he was a block away from his home.  Peter found his backpack in the alley where he had left it earlier that evening, grateful it hadn't disappeared like the other three backpacks Peter had lost in the past two months.  Tony wasn't mad about buying another backpack for his son, but he was starting to become more than a little suspicious.  

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