The Stark Expo

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Peter always carried around the picture of him and his parents at the Stark Expo.  It was one of the last memories that Peter had with his parents, and he never went anywhere without it.  He carried it in his wallet, so it would always be close to him and looked at the picture whenever he felt sad or lonely.   

Peter had just left the tower after a long day of working in the lab with Tony.  Tony was cleaning up when he noticed Peter had accidentally left his wallet sitting on top of a counter.  Tony sent the kid a quick text to let him know where he had misplaced his wallet.

Hey Kid, you left your wallet in the lab today.  Just swing by to pick it up whenever.

Oh, crap!  Thank god you found it!  I was panicking.  Thank you so much, Mister Stark! I'm on my way now.

No problem, Pete, and it's Tony.

Right, of course, Mister Stark.

Tony let out a deep sigh.  "This kid is going to be the death of me," he grumbled to himself.  Tony sat down onto the sofa in his lab with a grunt.  The billionaire opened Peter's wallet, hoping to find an embarrassing drivers license photo or something, but what he found was even better. 

Tony took the photo from Peter's wallet and examined the worn picture.  It was a picture of what he assumed was Peter and his parents.  Peter was wearing an IronMan helmet and held out his hand in the signature IronMan pose.  His parents were on either side of the young boy, smiling at the sight of their little boy so happy.  

Tony grinned at the sight of Peter being so small and adorable.  Tony was admiring the picture when he noticed there was something familiar about the kid, and not just because it was Peter.  It took Tony a moment to realize why he looked so familiar when it finally hit him.  

Peter was the kid who he had saved.  The one who was almost killed by the rogue robots.  The brave kid who thought he could take on the world.  It made sense that the kid would grow up to become a hero himself.  

Tony's thoughts were interrupted by a certain spider-ling entering the lab.  

"Oh my gosh Mr. Stark, thank you so so so so much," Peter gushed as he tried took the wallet from Tony's grasp.

Seeing the perfect opportunity, Tony yanked the wallet away from Peter and held it above his head.  "You can have it back when you stop calling me Mr. Stark.  I've told you to call me Tony."

Peter jumped at Tony's arm, attempting to snatch his wallet, but quickly realized he was going to have to give in to Tony's wishes.  

"Okay... fine, you win." Peter sighed dramatically.  "May I please have my wallet back, Tony?" 

"Of course you can, Peter.  Was that so hard now?"  Tony teased.

Peter gave Tony a sarcastic eye-roll but couldn't hide his smirk.  Peter began to walk off towards the elevator when Tony decided to confirm his theory about Peter being the kid he had saved so many years ago.

"It was you, right?  The kid at the Stark Expo?"  Tony asked. 

"Wha- ya... wait how did you know that- ohhhhh you looked at the picture," Peter said quietly realizing that Tony looked in his wallet.

"Ya, I hope you don't mind, I was just curious," Tony apologized.

"Nonono, its fine Mr. Stark- I mean Tony... It's not a big deal,"  Peter rambled.

"Kid, I hope it's not too much to ask you this, but what happened to your parents?" Tony asked, nervously.

"Umm well... They were killed in the Battle of New York when the Aliens attacked.  They were at a business meeting when everything went down and well, you know," Peter explained sadly.  "They left me with my aunt May and uncle Ben before they left.  Then one day the police show up at the door and tell us that they didn't make it.  It was one of the hardest days of my life." Peter now had silent tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry, Pete, I shouldn't have asked," Tony said guiltily while enveloping Peter into a hug.  

"No, I'm glad you asked, nobody ever really asks me about them.  It was nice to tell someone, thank you, Tony," Peter said through tears.  Peter placed his face into his mentor's chest and continued to sob silently.  

Tony rubbed his kid's back soothingly.  "Thanks for telling me, kiddo, I appreciate it," Tony hugged Peter even harder.  

Let me know what you think!  I had to pee the whole time I wrote this but forced myself to finish this story first:)

What is your favorite tv show?  I'm curious.

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