Who Are You?

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Peter and Tony travel through time and meet a  twenty-six-year-old Peter Parker in the future.  I took some inspiration from Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse.

Time Travel.  Previously thought to be impossible, Peter and Tony had just proved that it was indeed possible, on accident.  The pair had been experimenting with quantum physics for quite some time when Tony got frustrated and threw a wrench at their current project.  Peter flinched at the loud clang of metal when the wrench made contact with the circuit panel of the device. The sound was amplified even louder thanks to Peter's super hearing.  Tony noticed Peter wince in pain at the loud noise and began to kick himself for forgetting about the kid.

"I'm sorry, kiddo.  I just got a little frustrated."

"It's okay, Mr. Stark. I think maybe we should take a break."

"Good idea, I'll grab some snacks and---" Tony was interrupted by a loud boom and the sound of the machine whirring to life.  An alarm began to blare throughout the lab. Peter clutched his head in response to the painfully loud noises. 

"What's going on, Fri?" Tony shouted over the sound of the alarm. 

"It seems your machine is malfunctioning, sir.  I cannot shut it down," FRIDAY responded in a panicked voice. 

Tony made his way over to where Peter was kneeled on the ground cradling his head in pain.  The older man crouched down to Peter's level and placed a reassuring hand on the kid's back. 

"Hey kiddo, it's going to be okay.  We need to figure out how to shut this damn thing off."

Peter nodded as he acknowledged what Tony had said and stood up even though his head swam with the effort of completing such a simple task.  Peter just wanted the awful scream of the alarm to stop.  The sooner he fixed the machine, the faster the alarm would shut off. 

Peter examined the damaged control panel, looking for the cause of the malfunction.  The impact from the wrench had cracked one of the circuit boards.  Peter quickly replaced the damaged part but soon began to regret it when the entire lab erupted in a bright purple beam of light. 

Tony turned his head towards Peter just in time to see the giant explosion of fluorescent purple and was knocked unconscious before he could even process what had just happened.  The only thing going through Tony's head was Peter, was he okay? 


Peter Parker was startled awake by his spider senses going haywire.  The hairs on his arms and the back of his neck were standing straight up, and he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.  Not even a second later, he saw a distant purple glow out of his apartment window that was followed by a supersonic boom that shook the surrounding buildings.  The twenty-six-year-old sighed as he stumbled out of bed and slowly put on the iconic red and blue Spider-Man suit.

Peter didn't enjoy being Spider-Man nearly as much as he used to.  What used to be the best part of his day now made him miserable.  The suit was a constant reminder of all he had lost.  His parents, Uncle Ben, Aunt May, and Mr. Stark.  They were all dead because of him.  And if that wasn't enough, Ned moved away years ago and the love of his life, MJ, left him.  Peter had proposed to her shortly after MJ graduated from college, but she called it off five months later and broke up with him saying they wanted different things and that she wasn't happy with him anymore.  Peter was broken.  He had nobody left.

Peter caught a glance of himself in the mirror and was disgusted.  The man he saw in the mirror had scratchy stubble covering his face, greasy brown hair all over the place, the dark and very prominent eye bags made him look like he hadn't slept in weeks, and eyes that stared back with a haunted look in them.  Peter didn't even recognize himself anymore. 

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